During the final development stage of a speech on a question of value you should ____________.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. identify differences before moving to common ground." During the final development stage of a speech on a question of value you should identify differences before moving to common ground.

Here are the following choices:
a. identify differences before moving to common ground
b. identify common ground before moving to differences
c. rely on recent examples and statistics
d. ask for small, easily accomplished actions

Answer 2

During the final development stage of a speech on a question of value you should POLICY.

Answer is B.) Policy.

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Sources must be cited in order toA. paraphrase.
B. provide supporting evidence.
C. summarize information.
D. avoid plagiarism.


Sources must be cited in order to avoid plagiarism. The answer's D. avoid plagiarism. It is important to cite the sources to give credits to whom/where it is due or else you will be charge of theft. The terms “borrowing” and “copying” the idea you get from books, in the internet, or other source materials might be a disguise to some serious offense. It is a crime to copy or steal someone’s idea or work of others because it is considered as an intellectual property and it is protected by the copyright law. This is what plagiarism is, stealing one’s idea and not citing the sources right.

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The only pronoun in the sentence is 'their,' so it must be the underlined pronoun. It's used to identify ownership, so its case is Possessive. The antecedent is the word which the pronoun refers to. In this case, the antecedent is Team Spain.


possessive; Team Spain


Both petroleum and coal are made up of complex carbon-based molecules, and both originated with living creatures of some kind. Both are vital sources of energy for the modern world and both were formed by geologic processes over millions of years. However, petroleum was mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms. Coal, on the other hand, originated from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. In any case, it took millions of years for both coal and oil to be produced. This is the case because it took that much time for overlying sediments to produce the unimaginable heat and pressure that would one day allow us to harvest these energy resources. 3. What organizing principle or principles are used in this paragraph?


The organizing principle used in this paragraph is the principle of comparison and contrast. In order to write a well-structured compare and contrast paragraph, the writer needs to identify several key points that have at least two subjects in common. The similarities and differences between the subjects need to be highlighted. Lastly, the writer needs to expand on the subjects; their strengths and weaknesses, as well which subject is stronger than the other subjects. The opening sentence of this paragraph is a good start to a compare and contrasting paragraph. 

Final answer:

The organizing principle in the paragraph is a comparison/contrast of the formation of petroleum and coal.


In the paragraph, the organizing principle used is a comparison/contrast. The paragraph compares and contrasts the formation of petroleum and coal, highlighting their similarities and differences in origin, composition, and formation process.

Petroleum is mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms, while coal originates from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. Both petroleum and coal took millions of years to be produced due to the heat and pressure generated by overlying sediments.

Overall, the paragraph organizes the information by discussing the two fossil fuels in relation to each other, focusing on their similarities and differences in terms of origin and formation.

Learn more about organizing principle here:



In “The Exercise,” Bernard MacLaverty contrasts two ideas of fatherhood—one that is loving and one that is cold and strict. Which lines reflect the theme of the strict father figure?


In “The Exercise,” Bernard MacLaverty contrasts two ideas of fatherhood—one that is loving and one that is cold and strict. The lines that best reflect the theme of the strict father figure are the following:

"You could have made a better job of it yourself. Other hand." The same ritual of raising and lowering the left hand with the tip of the cane to the desired height. "After all, I have taught you some Latin." Crack. "It would be hard to do any worse."

I hope it helps, Regards.

What literary device is Romeo using here?Mis-shapen chaos of well-seeming forms!
Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!
Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!
This love feel I, that feel no love in this. (I. i. 167-170)


Oxymoron is the literary device used by Romeo in the above passage.

Oxymoron is combining at least two words which are opposite in meaning and ideas to create an effect.

Misshapen chaos and well-seeming forms
feather of lead
bright smoke
cold fire
sick health
still-waking sleep

These are the words that have opposite meanings but give a bigger impact when put together in a literary form.




Which answer corrects the shift in verb tense in the sentence? Jennifer's practice started at five o' clock, but her mom drops her off late.
A Jennifer's practice started at five o' clock, but her mom dropped her off late.
B.Jennifer's practice will start at five o' clock, but her mom drops her off late.
C. Jennifer's practice starts at five o' clock, but her mom had dropped her off late.
D. Jennifer's practice had started at five o' clock, but her mom drops her off late.


The answer is a. Jennifer's practice started at five o' clock, but her mom dropped her off late.