In the new 6-kingdom system of classification, like the old 5-kingdom system, organisms are basically grouped byA) cell structure.
B) location on Earth.
C) reproductive methods.
D) unicellular versus multicellular.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer to the question stated above is letter A. Cell Structure.

In the new 6-kingdom system of classification, like the old 5-kingdom system, organisms are basically grouped by
 cell structure.

The new 6-kingdom system of classification includes the following:
AnimaliaPlantaeFungiProtistaArchaea/Archaeabacteria,  and Bacteria/Eubacteria.
Answer 2

Answer: A) Cell Structure


I took it on USA Test Prep and here’s their explanation:”Both classification systems generally group organisms into kingdoms, first by cell structure, prokaryotic versus eukaryotic. Today cell structure also includes cell biochemistry.

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I need help with science 02.04 Evolution and Natural Selection its a writing questin.



Name and Title

Include your name, instructor's name, date, and name of lab.


In your own words, what was the purpose of this lab?


In this section, please include the if/then statements you developed during your lab activity. These statements reflect your predicted outcomes for the investigations. You will investigate two different versions of the tree environment as it changes over time: light-colored bark and dark-colored bark. Be sure to list your hypothesis for each environment below.

Example: If I investigate the light-colored bark environment, then I will observe an increase in the light-colored peppered moths over time.

Hypothesis for the light-colored bark:

Hypothesis for the dark-colored bark:


The procedures are listed in your virtual lab. You do not need to repeat them here. Please be sure to identify the test variable (independent variable) and the outcome variable (dependent variable) for this investigation.

Reminder: The test variable is the item that is changing in this investigation. The outcome variable is the item that you are measuring in this investigation.

Test variable (independent variable):

Outcome variable (dependent variable):


You will investigate both environments. Record your data for each trial of that environment in the data charts below.

Pre-Industrial Revolution Bark (Light-colored)

Generation Rate of Survival for Light-colored Peppered Moths Rate of Survival for Dark-colored Peppered Moths






Post-Industrial Revolution Bark (Dark-colored)

Generation Rate of Survival for Light-colored Peppered Moths Rate of Survival for Dark-colored Peppered Moths







Your conclusion will include a summary of the lab results and an interpretation of the results. Please write in complete sentences.

What caused the tree bark to become darker?

In the lab simulation, which color peppered moth was able to have the higher rate of survival on the light bark?

In the lab simulation, which color peppered moth was able to have the highest rate of survival on the dark bark?

During the Industrial Revolution, explain what caused the population of light-colored peppered moths to decrease and the population of dark-colored peppered moths to increase over time. Be sure to include how the ability to survive and reproduce impacts the process of natural selection.

Predict which color peppered moth would have a better chance of survival in your neighborhood? Explain why.


Final answer:

Evolution and natural selection is the process where organisms with characteristics that allow them to adapt to their environment reproduce more successfully. Writing about this can involve exploring real-life examples of evolution in action such as antibiotic resistance in bacteria, or changes observed in the Galapagos finches.


The subject 02.04 Evolution and Natural Selection in science refers to the process by which species adapt to their environment and change over time. Natural selection, first proposed by Charles Darwin, is the mechanism that drives this evolutionary change. It is the process where organisms with characteristics that allow them to better survive in their environment will reproduce more successfully.

Writing about this topic might involve exploring examples of evolution in action, such as antibiotic resistance in bacteria or the changes in beak shapes among Galapagos finches. For example, you could write about how bacteria resistant to antibiotics have a survival advantage and are more likely to reproduce, spreading their resistance to future generations. This is evolution by natural selection in action.

Perhaps consider the impact of human activities on evolution, such as how pesticide use in agriculture has driven evolution in pests. Be sure to include how natural selection can only occur if there is variation within a species, if that variation is heritable, and if different genotypes have different reproductive success.

Learn more about Evolution and Natural Selection

What are the definition of DNA and RNA



DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

RNA: Ribonucleic Acid

DNA has two strands

RNA has one

which indicates the age of a skull? closing of the structures, thickness of nasal spine, size of the mastroid process, or thickness of brow ridges.


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is the second option. It is the thickness of nasal spine that indicates the age of a skull. The anterior nasal spine recedes with aging. 
Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.

The answer is the first option, "closing of the structures".

Explain why changes in climate can result in the extinction of a species.


The changes in environment can cause the raising of the sea level, which can push animals further inward, which in turn destroy habit, as they began to get clumped together vegetation begins to go away, thus resulting in less species, also hotter climate makes sure that animals with very heavy coats of fur, die out pretty quickly if not cooled (over heating)
Changes in climate (too hot or too cold) can affect multiple spiecies of animals due to disappearance of their habitats or/and food.
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