Which of the following powers of congress has had a little effect on the conduct of foreign policy over the last 50 years?A. the power to declare war
B. the power to appropriate money
C. the power to confirm appointments
D. the power to consent to treaties


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C. the power to confirm appointments." The power of congress that has had a little effect on the conduct of foreign policy over the last 50 years is the power to confirm appointments 
Answer 2

The Power To Declare War.

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The Watergate scandal of 1972 is said to have made a number of Americans lose their faith in the government and in the leadership of their country, due to the realization they had been lied to through media. 
So the watergate scandal impacted America in a sense that they can't trust the media
Now that the smoke is clearing, lasting effects of Watergate are beginning to come into view. ... the view of political leaders and students of politics and government. ... For all the changes in prospect, the consensus is that America's political ... that Watergate is having the quickest impact, and in several ways.

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The Phoenicians engaged heavily in sea trade with other nations, since their location and they technological prowess allowed them to create ships that could sail reliably for long distances. 

When Egypt made cotton its biggest crop, what major risk did it take?


people having too much so they don't buy any more

the risk was overstock on cotton.

Can some help me write this paragraph please I could really use ur help



these are the ways u can improve self esteem

Gain Control of Yourself: Do not be critical of yourself to others. Whilst it can be useful to confide your concerns to someone you trust, telling the world is something else. Be kind to yourself. Make a list of your good qualities and believe them, believe in yourself. Don't Be A Complainer: Everyone has problems, so why should yours be greater than others? By being negative you can isolate yourself from others and cut yourself off from solutions to problems. Learn to Relax: Allow time for yourself each day. This may only be a few minutes, but it is important to be quiet and to unwind. See our section on Relaxation Techniques for some ideas. Boost Your Own Morale: Allow yourself a treat from time to time, especially if you have overcome a hurdle in personal presentation, particularly after your first formal talk or after a successful meeting. It does not have to be expensive - a cup of coffee at a pleasant place, or some other treat. Congratulate Yourself on a job/task well done and perhaps tell a friend. Do not always be the one to give out praise, you need some too. Justified praise is a good boost to morale. Learn to Channel Nerves and Tension Positively: when you are nervous, adrenalin is pumped through the body and you feel more keyed up and alert. This extra energy can be used to good effect; enabling you to communicate with greater enthusiasm and intensity, for example. Learn to be Assertive: Stand up for what you believe in and do not be pressured by others. See our section on Assertiveness for lots more information about becoming more assertive.


hope this helped

Which answer corrects the error in capitalization? In the month of February, Washington's birthday is an official federal holiday.






  I think your answer would be B. February. Because it's the name of a month. We capitalize things like the names of our presidents, a famous place, or even a restaurant.
 We can also capitalize the days of the month and days depending on the sentence.

The “red land” was widely used for farming by ancient egyptians because it was so fertile. is this true or false?


false. The 'Red lands' was known as life in ancient Egypt and was also a barren desert that protected Egypt on two sides. These deserts separated ancient Egypt from neighboring countries and invading armies. They also provided the ancient Egyptians with a source for precious metals and semi-precious stones.