How did women's rights differ in Greek and Persian civilizations during the classical era ?


Answer 1
Answer: During the classical era, the women's rights differed in Greek and Persian civilization such that Greek women were strictly restricted to be in the house and to just do household work or 'women' work. However, women in Persia were treated fairly and were accepted for non-household work. 

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Which factor most directly affects a furniture company's supply?


The correct answer is: "the price of the factors of production".

The amount of production supplied by a company is mainly affected by the price of the factors of production used in the manufacturing and commercialization procedures undertaken by the firm. There are three types of factors: land, labor and capital. The more expensive these factors are, the larger the production costs beared and the price that the company will need to fix for its products.

The law of supply states that the higher the price charged, the larger the amount of production that a company is willing to supply.

For example, in the case of a furniture company, the higher the cost of the timbers used, the higher the production costs beared and the market price and, in turn, the quantity supplied.

Which of these BEST describes how the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 affected America's international trade relations?A) It harmed America's international trade relations.
B) It eliminated America's international trade relations.
C) It improved international trade relations with old allies.
D) It caused northern industry and southern farms to flourish.


The correct answer is statement A.

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930 resulted in an increased tax on more than 20,000 goods that were imported from other countries. The goal of this tariff was to protect American businesses and to encourage American citizens to made products made in the US. However, this actually ended up hurting the US. The countries whom they traded with responded with their own set of economic punishments (like tariffs) against the United States.

Because of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, countries such as Canada, Great Britain, and Germany increased trade with other countries to avoid paying the high tariffs imposed by the new law. Overall, the statement that BEST describes how the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act affected America’s international trade relations is it harmed America’s international trade relations.

What was a significant cause of the 1979 energy crisis that hit America? price gouging by OPEC the Iranian Revolution discovery of Alaskan oilfields the Saudi Arabian Revolution


It would be "price gouging by OPEC" that was especially a significant cause of the 1979 energy crisis that hit America, since America depended heavily on Middle Eastern oil output. 

Background causes of the great war (World War 1) (Period 6)


Answer: Think M.A.N.I.A.

Explanation: Many teachers will use the mnemonic MANIA to teach the underlying causes that led to World War I:

Militarism -- Countries at the time were building up their militaries.

Alliances -- Alliances divided Europe into competing "camps".

Nationalism -- People felt a stronger sense of patriotism (and by extension, a desire for warfare to prove their nation's superiority).

Imperialism -- Wealthy European and American countries set up colonies in poorer countries to exploit their labor and natural resources.

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand -- The "powder keg" that led to fighting; it's often considered the first and most immediate cause to the war.

Final answer:

The background causes of World War I were rooted in nationalism, separatist movements, assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke, competitive colonial ambitions, and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire; these factors were further intensified by rapid advances in military technology and the rise in socialist ideologies.


The background causes of the Great War, or World War I, were multifaceted. Predominantly, the era of nationalism, particularly in Germany and Italy, and separatist movements among Europeans such as the Irish rebellion against British rule, significantly contributed to the tensions leading up to the war.

The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke in Sarajevo by a group fighting for a pan-Slavic nation provoked Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. The preset treaties and alliances brought the major European powers into the conflict, eventually drawing in countries globally.

Another contributing factor was the competitive colonial ambitions, especially Germany's desire for a more substantial naval presence and more colonies put it in direct competition with the British Empire. These factors, combined with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, rapid advancements in military technology, and the surge in socialist ideologies, led to the outbreak of what was then known as the 'Great War.'

Learn more about Causes of World War I here:


Why were industrial and agricultural surpluses a problem for the US economy?


One reason why industrial and agricultural surpluses were a problem for the US economy was because this surplus led to a decrease in prices, which led to a decrease in incomes for manufacturers and farmers. 

What influence did the Aryans have on the people of Indus Valley ?


The Aryan have a big influence towards the Indus Valley People, which is the Dravidian. Before the Aryan came, the Dravidian has a very sophisticated technology that can be seen from the Mohenjo-Daro city which has sanitation system, etc. But, when the Aryan came with army they conquered the Indus Valley, and drove away the Dravidian. And the Aryan became the ruler of the Indus Valley. The Dravidian became slaves, etc. To maintain the purity of the Aryan, they create a cast system that divided the Indus Valley people into 4 major cast : Brahma (priest), Ksatria (King and Royals), Waisya (Traders), and Sudra ( Slaves, which is the Dravidian) 

they had a huge influence on the people in Indus valley