If the prefix re- means “back,” what is the exact meaning of the word retentive? a. ability to send forward
b. ability to put back
c. ability to drive forward
d. ability to hold back


Answer 1

Among the choices given above, the correct definition of the word retentive is the:

b. ability to put back

The ability to put back or retrieve information encountered in the past, and relate facts or any other past events to the present easily. 

Answer 2


B. ability to put back


grade point

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b. Add -s.
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a. govern
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b. we had tickets to the game
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a. onomatopoeia
b. alliteration
c. simile
d. personification
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b. antonyms
c. homophones
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a. Jason ain’t scarcely well.
b. Jason isn’t scarcely well.
c. Jason is scarcely never well.
d. Jason is scarcely well.
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a. rooves.
b. roofs.
c. roofes.
d. roof’s.
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d. to capture the interest of their readers
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b. replace + -ing
c. replace + -ment
d. replace + -able
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a. commit + -ing
b. commit + -ed
c. commit + -ment
d. commit + -ee
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a. onomatopoeia.
b. simile.
c. alliteration.
d. personification.


These are a lot of question on one thread but I'm going to try and answer them all. Some of the I cannot explain so you're just going to have the answers.


1. Felipe never had any interest in playing basketball.


2. happy + -ness

In this case, it's going to be happiness where you remove “y” and add “i”.


3. homophones.

Homophones are, for example: ate, eight.


4. Too much cheese isn't good for your diet.


5. crisis

All of the others are plural. I don't think crisis has any plural form.


6. fameous

It's going to be famous.


7.  They don’t never have chocolate.

The double negative is don't never which means: do not never


8. Add -s.

You just have to add s to make holiday plural. Like this: holidays.


9. singular


10. Frenzy is a synonym for fury.


11. Reign and rein are homophones.


12. Although we had tickets to the game.

13. antonyms

Meagerand ample are two opposites.


14. shop + -er

This way: shopp + -er = shopper.


15. dress’s


16. alliteration

In this sentence, they’re using the alphabet t repeatedly. “Tripping and trembling they traipsed through the trees.


17. synonyms

Remorse and regret are same or almost similar words.


18. Jason is scarcely well.


19. After the recent rainstorm, several neighbors decided to fix their leaking roofs.


20. The writers use the figurative language to capture the interest of their readers.


21. replace + -ing

Like this: replac + -ing = replacing


22. commit + -ment

You don’t have to double the alphabet t for the word commitment.


23. The figure of speech that gives objects and animals human characteristics is called simile.

Example: Sarah is as brave as a lion. In this case, Sara and lion are predicate nouns.







They don't never have chocolate.

Change the y to i and add es.

Singular Possessive



He bought tickets to the game.






Jason is scarcely never well.


To capture the interest of their readers




And that's all twenty-three questions answered

ENGLISH HELP. Check & Help


21. B bucz in the prewriting stage you see wat info u would like to put inu r story. 

22. bucz if u stick to 1 topic then ur writing will turn out good. 

23. B bucz it is part of the information in the dtory.

24. Correct! 

25. Correct bucz tat is a writing that is wrote to be shared.

Hope i helped ya! 

Ideas for an essay in English what freedom means to me


I would advise you first write down a basic definition of what you think freedom means. Then look up the word freedom in the dictionary–  Did the dictionary definition
match your own definition of freedom? Think  about events/books/movies/people who have shaped your own idea of the meaning. Draw from personal experiences, or experiences of others to help you out. What does freedom mean to you? What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the word freedom? (These are rhetorical questions). Hope this helped you out a bit... do some brainstorming!! 

Think about a time when you felt you had no freedom. For example, when you're parents we're enrolling you in a class or a sport you hated and you felt like you had no choice in it. Or, a time when you felt las if you were trapped, like the whole world was moving ahead of you and you were just stuck in there, not be of able to do anything. Look at an animal in a cage and imagine what you would feel like if it was you in there.

And dude, just let the words flow... They're in there somewhere and they won't go out by force.

Once you've finished thinking about that moment that freedom was taken away from you, express how helpless or defeated you felt. Reflect your emotions. Use metaphors and personifications to get the reader in the mood. And finally, talk about what you would have given up in that moment if you could only have your freedom back...

Hope this helped :)

How might a soldier inconspicuously attack his enemy?


Well there are many ways to kill someone but the first that came to my mind is using "Tetrodotoxin" (found in the blue-ringed octopus and the puffer fish). It is capable of killing more than 20 humans in less than a minute. If you were to walk by someone and simply inject them with a small needle they would be paralyzed and dead in minutes. You could also slip it into a food of some sort.

Any ___ of the art of Pablo Picasso or Georgia O'Keeffe tends to draw large crowds.a. impostor
b. imposition
c. proponent
d. exposition


yes , the rest dont make sense except for d which means a public exhibition of a piece of art
It is D because exposition means large public exhibition of art or trade goods.

Which sentence correctly fixes this run-on sentence? That was quite a traffic jam, many drivers honked their horns, one car blocked the intersection. A. That was quite a traffic jam; many drivers honked their horns, and one car blocked the intersection. B. That was quite a traffic jam. Many drivers honked their horns, one car blocked the intersection. C. That was quite a traffic jam and many drivers honked their horns, one car blocked the intersection. D. That was quite a traffic jam, many drivers honked their horns. One car blocked the intersection.


"A. That was quite a traffic jam; many drivers honked their horns, and one car blocked the intersection" is the best option, but you could use a period instead of a semicolon there. It's all a matter of preference.
A. That was quite a traffic jam; many drivers honked their horns, and one car blocked the intersection.   is correct, the others do not obey the standard english grammar rules