What is the number one cause of death for teenagers?


Answer 1


Unintentional accidents


Theres also getting killed, and killing oneself, cancer, and heart disease

Answer 2
Answer: car accidents are number one leading cause of death for teenagers

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Headaches, upset stomachs, and hives are classified as acute reaction to stress. Acute means temporary or short term but shouldn't be tolerated in the long-run and must be dealt accordingly in order not to aggravate the situation. Headaches might lead to migraine or upset stomach might lead to intestinal problems so as early as possible this must be treated immediately.

Answer: Physical

Explanation: Since they affect your body, they are all physical. Emotional refers to joy, sorrow, and rage.

In a paragraph, contrast the characteristics between anorexia and bulimia.


They are both eating  disorders that deal with unhealthy measures of being afraid of gaining weight and having a deserted view of how their body looks, though people with anorexia tent to be skinnier then people with bulimia.  People with Anorexia tent to eat very little or not eat at all. They become extremely skinny due to the malnourished and can become addicted to counting calories. While people with Bulimia might binge eat and later purge out the food, or excessive excessive to try to not gain any weight. 

Answer:Same thing as other one but I fixed spelling and errors.

They are both eating  disorders that deal with unhealthy measures of being afraid of gaining weight and having a deserted view of how their body looks, though people with anorexia tend to be skinnier than people with bulimia.  People with Anorexia tend to eat very little or not eat at all. They become extremely skinny due to the malnourished and can become addicted to counting calories. While people with Bulimia might binge eat and later purge out the food, or excessively try to not gain any weight.


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The embryo is called a FETUS.

The ENDOMETRIUM is formed in part...

If you wanted to measure your body composition and only had a scale and measuring tape, what types of methods could you use?



One could use body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio.


-Body mass index is a measurement of a person's weight with respect to his or her height. It is a good indicator of ones body fat.

-Waist circumference (WC) is an indicator of health risk associated with excess fat around the waist.

-Waist-to-hip ratio is the dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips.


Through the process of BMI, one can measure the body composition with respect to the person's weight and height. One can measure the waist circumference by using the measuring tape to measure the body fat in the waist. Through the method of waist to hip ratio, one can measure the size and the mass from the waist to his/her hip.  By this way, one can easily measure their body composition and it is the simplest way of determining one's Body Mass Index.


The ________ plays a central role in the circulatory system. It consists of four ________: two for receiving blood and two for pumping blood. A. kidney, veins B. heart, chambers C. heart, veins D. kidney, chambers


B. Heart, Chambers
Heart pumps blood to your body and it has four chambers.
Hope this helps.
the first one is C. heart and the other would be the Heart chambers cause the heart is the one that pumps blood to the body it also has four, Two Atriums and two ventricles 

the Atrium is the upper, the right Atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the veins of the body. as the left Atrium receives oxygenated blood

now the Ventricles each two main chambers of the heart, left and right 
they are what pump the blood one pumps blood in and the other pumps it out.
hope that helps :)

What is a therapeutic community?



A therapeutic community is a model of treatment for substance abuse based on family and community, its main intention is to promote a more wholesome lifestyle, this is achieved by identifying negative behaviors that lead to substance abuse and changing them with the influence of the community inserting with the help of codes of behavior and authority.

I hope you fing this information useful and interesting! Good luck!

it is a participative , group based approach to long term mental illness, personality disorders and drug addiction. the approach was usually residential, with the clients and therapists living together but increasingly residential units have been superseded by day units