Which of the following countries produces the most barrels of oil per day?The United States


Answer 1

Answer: The United States

Explanation: Based in crude and non-conventional oil, and natural gas liquid in the year of 2017, The United States of America were the world top producer with 13,191 thousand barrels per day. Followed by Saudi Arabia (11,964) and Russia (11,357). Technological advancements, supportive policies, and other aspects of the U.S. oil industry have reversed a multi decade downward trend in U.S. oil production. In 2018, U.S. oil production nearly doubled compared to 2008.

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They organised the anual rights of men and women

The Bantu were known for the use ____ of technology?


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Iron ** is the correct answer


☟ I'm reviewing my pretest right now ☟

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The main issue of the 1840s free soil party was that


The Free Soil Party was a short-lived political party in the United States active in the 1848 and 1852 presidential elections, and in some state elections. Founded in Buffalo, New York, it was a third party and a single-issue party that largely appealed to and drew its greatest strength from New York State. The party leadership consisted of former anti-slavery members of the Whig Party and the Democratic Party. Its main purpose was opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories, arguing that free men on free soil comprised a morally and economically superior system to slavery. They opposed slavery in the new territories (agreeing with the Wilmot Proviso) and sometimes worked to remove existing laws that discriminated against freed African Americans in states such as Ohio.

The main issue of the 1840s free soil party was the abolition of slavery.

Further Explanations:

The period of the 1800s in the United States saw a rise in conflict among Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery parts of the United States. These tensions were resultant of Missouri’s request made for the admittance of Missouri to the United States. The government took it as a threat to the balance between Free and slave states of the United States as during era there were 22 states in the United States as a slave state.This conflict was the initiation of other conflicts among which one is establishment Free soil party that persisted in the United States for a period of four years from 1848 to 1852.  

The Party was established in Buffalo, New yorks with a single issue of expansion of slavery from the United States. The prominent members of the party were the former member of the Whig party and the Democratic Party. The members argued for the separation of slaves from free men as it was compromising their morality and will also boost the economy of the slaves.

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Answer Details

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: Free soil party

Keywords: Free soil party,United States, Pro-Slavery, Anti-Slavery,Missouri’s, Free, slave, states, Buffalo, New yorks, Whig party, Democratic Party

What does it mean to say that during elizabethan age, costuming was "anachronistic"


All Elizabethan actors wore the same type of costume regardless of the performance and this is what it means to say that during Elizabethan age, costuming was "anachronistic". This was actually the style employed by the actors during the Elizabethan age. I hope the answer helps you.


During the Elizabethan age, the arts, be it visual, performing, literary, and musical, developed greatly, and this is one of the issues for which Queen Elizabeth I is still considered one of the greatest rulers of England. Particularly in theater, Queen Elizabeth showed great interest, becoming a patron of that art. During her reign, great plays were written and acted, some of them, as was the tendency at the time, coming from recovered texts of ancient Greece and Rome. However, one thing that characterized the Elizabethan era was that, although the use of costumes was encouraged, and it gave actors a sense of liberty, a break from the stricter codes of clothing in general society, these costumes must still portray what was known as the Elizabethan code of clothing. As such, when it is said that during Elizabethan times, constuming was "anachronistic", this means that even though a lot of the plays were from ancient Greece and Rome, or had influences from those times, the costumes could not reflect that particular era, but must always portray the Elizabethan era.