Why is the gang important to johnny in the outsiders?


Answer 1
Answer: In “The Outsiders”, the gang is important to Johnny because he considered the members as his family. He did not feel loved by his parents instead he got all beaten all the time. He was searching for love and security which he found in the gang.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Johnny's gang in 'The Outsiders' serves as his surrogate family providing the emotional support, camaraderie, and sense of belonging that he lacks at home. His character development and courage stem from this bond with his gang.


In the novelThe Outsiders, the gang is extremely important to Johnny because they serve as his surrogate family. Johnny's home life is abusive, and the gang provides him with the emotional support, camaraderie, and sense of belonging that he doesn't receive from his actual family. Much of Johnny's character development, courage, and ultimate self-sacrifice are a result of his inherent loyalty to the gang, illustrating that the gang is not just important but crucial to him.

Learn more about The importance of the gang to Johnny



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The correct answer should be B. devises a plan to delay her marriage in Odysseus's absence

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B. devises a plan to delay her marriage in Odysseus’s absence.


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A. Connive

B. Confute

C. Contradict

D. Consult  (ANSWER)


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C) a tiered social structure where members of the lowerclass served those of the tier above

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C) a tiered social structure where members of the lower class served those of the tier above


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