What is the reason offspring of the organism Hydra often appear exactly the same as their parents?


Answer 1
Answer: I think hydra produce asexually. 
Answer 2

hydro may produce asexually.

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Rosalind Franklin. She obtained images of DNA using X ray crystallography.
without the work of x-ray crystallographer Rosalind Franklin, DNA might not have been discovered for some time longer than it was
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There is a new standard of planets that the IAU set in 2006 and Pluto did not pass it. The new qualification is that a planet must be free of debris around it.

Most meteors are small enough to be burned by friction once it enters the Earth's atmosphere. They are also called 'shooting stars'.

How does current affect biodiversity in rivers and streams?


The answer is: it mixes the nutrients for plant and animal use and determines a location of organisms.

Current definitely has an effect on biodiversity. But, it does not prevent organisms from living or remaining in rivers and streams, and, thus, cause a decrease in biodiversity. On the contrary, it mixes the nutrients for the organisms and also mixes water less or more saturated with oxygen. Current also determines location of organisms, so, for example, organisms able to resist this current will live in the streams or rivers where current is strong. And vice versa - less resistant organisms will live in the parts of streams and rivers where current is not that strong.

the answer is c my dude

Give 3 differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs?



Autotrophs -

Autotrophs prepare their own food by the process called photosynthesis or by some other raw materials or Energy. Autotrophs are also known as producers.

Some examples of Autotrophs are :

  • Plants
  • Fungi
  • Bacteria

Heterotrophs -

Heterotrophs can not prepare their own food and they depends upon autotrophs. Heterotrophs are also known as consumers.

Some examples of Heterotrophs are :

  • Humans
  • Birds
  • Dogs



Final answer:

Autotrophs and heterotrophs differ in their energy source, nutritional mode, and carbon source. Autotrophs can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, while heterotrophs rely on consuming other organisms for energy.


Autotrophs and heterotrophs are two types of organisms that differ in how they obtain energy. Here are three key differences between them:

  2. Energy Source: Autotrophs can convert sunlight or inorganic compounds into energy through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, respectively. This means they can produce their own food. Heterotrophs, on the other hand, obtain energy by consuming organic matter. They rely on consuming other organisms for their energy needs.
  4. Nutritional Mode: Autotrophs are capable of synthesizing their own organic compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. They can produce these essential molecules through metabolic processes. Heterotrophs, however, rely on consuming preformed organic compounds for their nutritional needs. They cannot synthesize these molecules on their own.
  6. Carbon Source: Autotrophs utilize carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or dissolved in water as their carbon source for photosynthesis. They convert this carbon dioxide into organic compounds. Heterotrophs, on the other hand, obtain their carbon from the organic compounds they consume. They break down these organic compounds to release energy.

Understanding these differences helps us appreciate the diverse ways in which organisms obtain and utilize energy.

Learn more about differences between autotrophs and heterotrophs here:




Scientists predict that we will eventually use up all available fossil fuels. Which list includes only fossil fuels? a. wood, natural gas, and coal
b .natural gas, coal, and oil
c .wood, natural gas, and solar
d. coal, oil, and solar



B: natural gas, coal, and oil  


All fossil fuels are carbonated substances formed from organic matter  comming from plants, microorganisms, and algae. This organic matter have been accumulating for millions of years in the bottom of seas or lakes and buried, fossilizeing. This fossilized matter is what gives origen to fossil fuels.  They have an important, although not quietly considered, characteristic: They are non-renewable resources.  

Coal is a fossil fuel that highly contributes to climatic change, polluting not only air but also water and the soil. By burning it, its gases contribute to increase the greenhouse effect and consequently producing global heat. This is affecting all forms of life that depend on these resources, including human beings. During the coal combustion process, several particles are released to air, polluting and being the cause of smog and acid rain. In spite of its reduced use in the last years, coal is still the principal fuel used by thermal, refineries, chemical, and still work industries.  

Oil is also a huge contaminator and it generates a dangerous waste that is very harmful to the environment. Its elimination by incineration or split provokes huge pollution problems in the air, water, and ground. In water, it produces an impermeable film that impedes gas exchange and causes suffocation in the living forms that inhabit there.  But if the oil is burned it generates nocive gases that are very toxic because of their content in plumb, chloride, phosphorus, sulfur, among others.

Natural gas is a hydrocarbure composed mostly of methane and other light hydrocarbures. As it is ussually found in deep underground depossits, the origen of natural gas is associated with petrolium, and hence they share many similar energetic properties.


natural gas, coal, and oil


Which disease causes swelling and redness of gums and tongue? find very short answer?





own experience

Final answer:

Gingivitis is the disease that causes swelling and redness of the gums and tongue.


The disease that causes swelling and redness of the gums and tongue is Gingivitis. Gingivitis is a common oral health condition caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth. It leads to inflammation and irritation of the gums, resulting in swelling and redness.

Learn more about Gingivitis here:



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