What are the 3 parts of the DNA molecule?


Answer 1
Answer: a phosphate group, sugar group and one of the four nitrogen basis 
Answer 2
Answer: 1. Nitrogenous bases (Adenine,Guanine,Thymine,Cytosine) 
2. Pentose Sugar (Deoxyribose) 
3. Phosphate

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How do fission nuclear reactions differ from fusion nuclear reactions? Fission reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fusion reactions do not. Fusion reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fission reactions do not. Fission reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fusion reactions are not. Fusion reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fission reactions are not.


How do fission nuclear reactions differ from fusion nuclear reactions?

A. Fission reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fusion reactions do not.

B. Fusion reactions involve the conversion of matter into energy, but fission reactions do not.

C. Fission reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fusion reactions are not.

D. Fusion reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fission reactions are not.




Both fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy, but their applications differs.

 Fission is the splitting of a large (heavy, unstable) nucleus into smaller ones, and fusion is the process where nuclei of small atoms are combine together to form the nuclei of larger atoms releasing vast amounts of energy.

The correct answer is c. Fission reactions are used to generate electricity for consumers, but fusion reactions are not.

The physics of fusion is the process that makes the sun shine, and that makes the hydrogen bomb explode.




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Thanks for sharing.   The density of the sample
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200000 cm are in 2 km



200000 cm are in 2 km

hope this helps pls make this the brainliest

1. What could be the energy of a flying aeroplane?

2. Is work the same as power?



The total energy of an aircraft flying in the atmosphere can be calculated using equation 1. [2]

E = ½ m v2 + mgh

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