What is symbolism? A.) when a literary work has two levels of meaning.

B.) when an idea in a literary work is played down or treated casually.

C.) when a statement or situation that seems to be contradictory actually presents a truth.

D.) when a character, place, thing, or event in a literary work stands for a larger idea.


Answer 1


D.) When a character, place, thing, or event in a literary work stands for a larger idea.


Symbolism is a figurative language that takes place when a character, place, thing, event or anything with a physical existence stands for a larger idea or meaning that is entirely different from the actual meaning of the form of that physical "thing" or living being.

One great example of symbolism can be found in the story “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway that focuses on the issue of whether doing an abortion or not In the story, for instance, the fields of grain and trees and The Ebro River represent fertility and fruitfulness: the unborn child the protagonist carries in her womb. And the “shadow of a cloud” symbolizes the abortion of the fetus.

Answer 2
Answer: D. When a  character, place,thing, or event in a literary work stands for a larger idea.

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Since you didn't provide the text i have a hopefully helpful response of steps for your work. FIRST,YOU PICK a character from the story or text, NEXT, you will try to SUMMARIZE THE TEXT, once you did that write down your summary, THEN, you start writing your essay, start off with introducing the character you picked in the first sentence of the essay, REMEMBER THIS FIRST PART OF THE ESSAY IS A GRABBER AND TRYING TO ATTRACT THE READER so try asking a question, or using a pathos, or you can use a grabber by your choice, for example, like, "(charecters name) is a outgoing and smart student in her school, would you compare to her?", FINALLY, you are going to then describe and explain, the purpose of the charecter in the story, his/hers motivation (what keeps him/her motivated), and the other things your teacher listed!

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The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the first choice. The brief note from make recording I the idea faster, is not a reason for using brief notes. I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!




from the person thats on top of my respones.

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