When England joined the race to explore the new world, at first it:


Answer 1
Answer: I was hoping that some options would be given for choosing the correct answer. Since there are no options given, i will answer this question based on my research and knowledge. I hope it helps you. When England joined the race to explore the new world, at first it turned its attention towards colonization rather than piracy.

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In the United States, people drive on the right side of the road, while in Great Britain, people drive on the left. This is an example of a difference in what?


The reality is not exclusive to England: it is also driving on the left in 55 other countries and territories.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many of these former colonies, after becoming independent, preferred to start driving on the right, but in others, the tradition inherited from the colonists remained.

Therapist Charlotte Maley is a behaviorist. She is MOST likely to suggests that depression is: due to unresolved unconscious conflicts. the result of changes in reinforcement levels. a matter of how people interpret events. genetic in origin but influenced by early trauma. the result of learning depressed behaviors.


I choose the result of changes in reinforcement levels.  For behaviorists, they believe that depression is not mental or psychological but something that is learned and can be solved by unlearning it.  This is when there is a lack of positive reinforcement that leads to depression.

All of the following are symptoms of schizophrenic disorders except __________. A. sensing things that are not real B. filtering out information that is unnecessary C. having unusual beliefs not based on facts D. having the inability to focus on particular information


The correct answer is letter B.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that has as characteristic abnormal behavior, incomprehensible speech and decreased ability to understand reality.

Considering all alternatives, the one that doesn't comprehend some of the symptons of this disease is filtering out information that is unnecessary.

Sensing things that are not real, having unusual beliefs not based on facts and having the inability to focus on particular information are all correct symptons of the disease, since people with developed schizophrenia often present a distorced vision of reality through drawings, for example, a strong belief in things that aren't real, and difficulty paying attention in one thing at a time.

B. Filtering out information that is unncessary

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The right answer to this item is I think,the first choice, spend a week working on a new phone. This would answer the question, How to produce?. Among the choices presented in this item, this choice suggests that the company should spent ample amount of time to develop the apps for the smartphones.

The Anwer #4, Select four new phones for app is Correct per test.

waste managers need more land to collect city garbage. what environmental parameters should city officials investigate before purchasing the needed land?


I think you forgot to give the options along with the question. i am answering the question based on my knowledge and research. The environmental parameters that city officials should investigate before purchasing the needed land is the depth of groundwater and distance to local lakes, rivers, and farms.

Answer: D) depth of goundwater, and distance to local lakes, rivers, and farms.


Got it right. Give the other guy brainliest.

The _____ period marked the completion of Pangaea's breakup and was concluded by a mass extinction event. A. Permian
B. Tertiary
C. Jurassic
D. Cretaceous


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C. Jurassic." The Jurassic period marked the completion of Pangaea's breakup and was concluded by a mass extinction event. From Pangaea, it created other continents and islands that caused the extinction of some species.
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2 Probably not, yet the work of Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, may have the mostprofound impact of all. Why is his name unknown to most of the world? The answer lies in the type of life hehas chosen to lead and the role he has chosen to play in helping to guide this emerging technology.3 If you were in a time machine and could travel back to 1960s London, you might find young TimBerners-Lee busily constructing make-believe computers out of cardboard boxes or playing mathematicalgames with his parents at their kitchen table. Tim is fascinated by the world around him. His natural curiosityattracts him to a dusty Victorian-era encyclopedia he finds in his house; its mysterious title, Enquire WithinUpon Everything, will stay with him for years to come.4 Fast-forward to 2001. Over 250 million people are using the Internet, a system virtually unheard of10 years earlier, and Tim Berners-Lee is largely responsible. How could one person make it all happen?5 For some clues, let’s go back to Tim’s early adulthood. Tim was especially interested in two things:computers and how the human brain organizes and links information. He wondered how the mind canalmost randomly connect so many different facts. For instance, how can a song or a scent mentally link oreven transport someone to another time and place? Tim was so fascinated by computers that, beforegraduating from the University of Oxford, he built his very first one from a kit using a television and an earlymicroprocessor.6 In 1980, after graduating with a degree in physics, Tim went to work as a software engineer for anorganization in Geneva, Switzerland. His job required a lot of research. He communicated with people all overthe world and he was constantly answering the same questions over and over. He was frustrated by howpoorly his mind could remember all of the reports and data he needed. He wished there were a way otherpeople could simply access his data and he could access theirs via computer no matter where they werelocated.7 Tim wrote a software program to help him keep track of important documents and, using a series oflinks (hypertext), he connected them together much like an index does in a book. He named the programEnquire after the book he loved as a child. In its original form, Enquire was capable of storing informationand connecting documents electronically, but it could only access information on a single computer.8 In 1989, Tim took a giant step towards his vision of a global system where documents could be linkedvia hypertext to the Internet, allowing people worldwide to easily share and link information. After muchthought, he called his project the World Wide Web. Many people thought that connecting documents storedin individual computers around the world was impossible.9 And even if it were possible, few of his fellow scientists thought it would ever become popular.Lesson 4©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is not permitted.L4: Analyzing Interactions in a Text 33Part 5: Common Core Practice10 Tim was not discouraged. Working with a few colleagues who supported his vision, he developed thefour critical foundations of the Web: The language for coding documents (HTML); the hypertext system forlinking documents (HTTP); the system for locating documents on the Web (URL); the first graphical userinterface (Internet browser). In 1991, the Web was launched and almost immediately, the Internet took off.11 Although he has had many opportunities to do so, Tim has not profited from his creation. . . . [He]works for a non-profit organization located at M.I.T., a leading engineering university. Married with twochildren, Tim leads a good life, one that is full of professional challenges. He is pleased with the road he choseto follow. Today, he helps set standards and guides the Web’s future, so he can be assured that it will remainopen to all and not be splintered into many parts or dominated by one corporation. However, like Einstein,who was concerned with his role in the development of nuclear power, Tim believes that technology can beused for good or for evil. “At the end of the day,” Tim says, “it is up to us: how we actually react, and howwe teach our children, and the values we instill.” To this day, Tim Berners-Lee works hard to see that thetechnology he invented remains accessible to all people around the globe. That, rather than instant wealth, ishis reward. Based on the biography, explain how Tim Berners-Lee's early childhood interests influenced the path he chose as an adult. Use at least TWO details from the text to support your answer.Describe what influence this idea had on Tim Berners-Lee's approach to writing new programs that operate computers. Use at least TWO details from the biography to support your answer.