Which word best describes the meaning of curmudgeonly? Which word is a good synonym for curmudgeonly?


Answer 1


The answers are explained below.


Curmudgeonly is defined as bad-tempered or negative, specially when referring to an old person. For the first answer, the answer would be bad-tempered. Another option is irritable.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, some good synonyms would be bear or bellyacher or grouch.

Answer 2

A good synonym for "curmudgeonly" is "cantankerous." A "curmudgeon" is a pessimistic or short-tempered individual. It is, nevertheless, nearly often used to characterize elderly men.

Synonyms are crucial because they improve the writing's quality and provide readers with a clear, distinct view of the content. Additionally, as will be discussed further below, it can enhance both oral and written abilities. similar to or resembling a grumpy, challenging, or cantankerous person: Even though it would be easy to criticize "these young kids today," many older Americans haven't exactly been the best role models.

Learn more about Synonyms here:



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Disheveled means :A
in disarray
careful in regard to your own interests
of or involving dispute or controversy
D. based on sound reasoning or evidence



A. In disarray



A. In disarray


disheveled means to be disorganized (or untidy/disordered) and such, so does disarray

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Answer:Must check for if the attendee is over the age of 21 by a black x on the back of the hand


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What is approximate rhyme?


Approximately can mean 'almost' or 'about'.
Therefore, an approximate rhyme is a word that sounds similar, but not exactly a rhyme, to another word.

For example, 'again and friend'. 

Approximate rhymes may also not sound exactly alike, or similar, at all. 
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Good evening, I'm French, I learned English, could you help me answer these questions please? Thank you and Merry Christmas to all.Question 1 : Where did the Mayflower come from ?

Question 2 : How many passengers was up ?

Question 3 : Why did they choose to go to America ?

Question 4 : Who were the founding fathers ?

Question 5 : Who was one of the writers of the declaration of independance ?


1. The mayflower came from Britain. It got it's name because it was scheduled to set sail in May, and flower symbolized hope

2. There were 102 passengers

3. They weren't to America to escape religious persecution. They didn't like the king's church/religion so they came to America to start a new one.

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You will complete your character study of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth by writing about their development from the beginning of the play to the end. Choose one of these four topics and write your response in a paragraph of eight to ten sentences. Make sure you incorporate evidence from the play to support your thinking.Topic 1: Explore how Lady Macbeth changes over the course of the play.
Topic 2: Explore how Macbeth changes over the course of the play.
Topic 3: Examine Macbeth and Lady Macbeth before Duncan’s murder. In what ways are they alike and different?
Topic 4: Examine Macbeth and Lady Macbeth after Duncan’s murder. In what ways are they alike and different?


Topic 1

A short analysis effectuated relatively to the character target of the present study reveals us the eternal struggle between Good and the Evil, between nature and will. Lady Macbeth tells us about someone who is dark is also sublime. Shakespeare's persona penetrates in a dense atmosphere marked by darkness, normally fountain of fear and terror that affects the characters, determining their actions.

However, the battle, in this case, was far from more, covering of execrable characteristics it leads us to try to unveil the reasons that led Lady Macbeth to act in this way. The first reason is obviously the excessive ambition, which does not look to ways to reach the ends, and which was more orientated especially for Macbeth of which properly for her. We may be able to conclude that Lady Macbeth did wrong, but she acted for love, and that was attached to her situation of wife and to the type of conjugal relationship of her time.  Her whole attitude was of an ideal wife who does everything to provide the best to her husband, in this case, the Crown of Scotland. Her androgyny was nothing but  a stratagem to help her husband to get his intentions. Lady Macbeth despises in her husband everything that makes him weak, but she does not despise him. She stands beside him, being destroyed by him, trying till the end her dedicated wife's role.

She claims to the Dark Spirits:

"........................... Come, you spirits  

That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,  

And fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full  

of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood;  

Stop up th'access and passage to remorse,

That no compunctious visitings of my nature

Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between  

Th'effect and it. Come to my woman's breasts  

And take my milk for gall, you murd'ring ministers,  

Wherever, in your sightless substances,  

You wait on nature's mischief. Come, thick night,  

And paíl thee in the dunnest smoke of Hell,

That my keen knife see not the wound it makes,  

Nor Heaven peep through the blanket of the dark  

To cry, "Hold, hold."



The topic is "Topic 2: Explore how Macbeth changes over the course of the play."

In the opening scene of William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth is presented as a valiant and devoted Scottish commander well-liked by King Duncan and his contemporaries. However, Macbeth experiences a significant change as the play goes on.

He finally commits horrific deeds due to his initial moral turmoil, which is motivated by his ambition and the witches' forecasts. He first hesitates to kill King Duncan, but once Lady Macbeth convinces him to do so, he gives in to his ambition and cruelty, which results in Duncan's death.

After the murder, Macbeth's guilt and paranoia worsen, making him more vicious and paranoid. He hires killers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance, and his obsessive desire for power consumes him.

To learn more about Macbeth link is here



Which sentence does not contain any errors in the use of italics, underlining, or quotation marks?A.
I love his latest painting, Marble Sunset.

I love his latest painting, "Marble Sunset."

I love his latest painting, "Marble Sunset."

I love his latest painting, Marble Sunset."


either b or c is correct. check your paper- i believe one of the answer choice is supposed to have the period outside of the quotation marks. if that is a choice (period after the quotation marks) that's the answer.