3. Romeo and Juliet's love is doomed not just by the world around it, but by its own intensity'.Do you agree? Essay on this I don't know what to write or how
3. Romeo and Juliet's love is doomed not just by - 1


Answer 1
Answer: Well I am not writing your essay for you but as a guideline:
*Find evidence about how their parents dislike one another
*Look for Mercutios death > This is about romeo's naiveness how he 'has' to avenge his friends death
*Look for at the end of the story quotes after their death
*Look for how romeo talks about Juliet and how his peers respond to this.
*Look for how Juliet talks about romeo and How the maid shuns her.
*Also you may find a conversation with Juliet and her Mom this should go into it because her mom is half understanding about her liking someone but her dad is far gone from anyone that is not the man he wants her to marry.
*Lastly look for Tybalts death and how romeo responds after this.
So check out Act III.

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I need help with this asap please and thank you...



1 - A complete sentence

2 - Missing simple predicate

3 - Missing simple predicate

4 - A complete sentence

5 - Missing simple subject

6 - Missing simple predicate

7 - Missing simple subject

8 - A complete sentence

9 - Missing simple subject

10 - Missing simple predicate


Every complete sentence must contain two basic elements: a subject and a predicate.

The subject is what the sentence is about. It's the one who is described in it or the one who is performing an action. For example:

  • Mary is beautiful.
  • Mary lives in a house.

The predicate is the part of the sentence describing the subject or containing a verb that tells us what the subject is doing. For example:

  • Mary is beautiful.
  • Mary lives in a house.

Why is Animal Farm considered an allegory?A.
Animal Farm explains animal behavior in story form.

Animal Farm explains a real situation in a context that is less threatening.

Animal Farm explores the political beliefs of communism.

Animal Farm explores the consequences of rebellion.





Animal Farm explores the political beliefs of communism. The animals are symbolic representations




An allegory is a story that has a hidden meaning. in this case, Orwell wants to explore and criticize the Russian Revolution at a distance. To do this, he recreates the events of the revolution on Animal Farm.

In the final stages of _______, a patient's immune response is severely diminished.a. the common cold
c. smallpox
d. cancer


The common cold is not the answer.

Colds last at least for 2-3 days and is harmless. The symptoms, which is sneezing, coughing, etc... happens because it releases the bacteria that has entered the body. A patient with a common cold will actually have an improved immune system because its defensing skills improve. 

Smallpox is not the answer.

Smallpox, just like chickenpox, doesn't harm the immunity that much. Instead, the skin is mostly irritated and people could survive it.

Cancer and AIDS both do severely effect the patient but AIDS effects the Immunity more.

AIDS: Stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The name explains it. It severely damages the immune system at its final stage and may end up killing the patient. 

However, Cancer is slowly passed to the other organs which weakens the immune system but the answer you are looking for is AIDS. (B)

Hope I helped. :)

How can I get a girl to like me and this is a site to ask questions and I have seen people ask questions like this


You can't just get a girl to like you. Now, I'm sure if you just asked her, she'd be happy to go out with you. That is, of course, unless she's already in a relationship with someone else. I do however have some do's and don't's from my book. :) (Don't take all of these serious, I'm a pretty lighthearted, sarcastic girl who finds nearly everything attractive on my good and bad scale.) 1) Studies show that whenever someone is attracted to someone else, they naturally find a way to point their feet at them. Maybe fake drop your pencil and check. 2) Glance around the room if you think she may be staring at you. Make eye-contact for 4 seconds with her, then continue around the room, within another 2 seconds, come back to her gaze. It she lock it, and quickly looks away covering her mouth, she's probably interested. 3) Naturally, humans tend to fall for people we think look somewhat like us, to higher the chance of a respectable......? Yeah sure. This is because of evolution. Wishing the best, Poetical. **Now.. How to get a guy to like you?**

Which phrase best defines an epic simile?A: a figure in which one thing is spoken of as if it were something else.
B: a literary technique that involves differences between meaning and intention.
C: a work created in imitation of another.
D: a long, elaborate comparison between two dissimilar actions or objects.


Answer: The phrase that best defines an epic simile is D. a long, elaborate comparison between two dissimilar actions or objects.

Explanation: An epic simile is a detailed comparison that usually occupies more than two lines. Moreover, epic similes are mostly found in epic poems. Actually, for that reason, they are also known as Homeric similes. In Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, similes are used to compare heroes such as Achilles and Odysseus with forces of nature. For example, in several cases, the Achaians' bravery is compared with the seas. Therefore, it can be said that an epic simile consists in establishing a comparison between dissimilar entities, actions or objects.

I believe the answer is most likely (D).

Studying how people get along with one anothera. has little use outside the workplace
b. can improve a person's personal life.
c. for most people is a difficult thing to do.
d. won't help a worker become more productive.


I would say that studying how people get along with one another can improve a person's personal life. The correct answer, in my opinion, is B.