Which agency would most likely regulate satellites used for worldwide communication?


Answer 1

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) would most likely regulate satellites used for worldwide communication.

Further explanation:

The regulation of satellites comes under the Federal Communication Committee (FCC). It is a department which comes under the government which controls all forms of media including radio, television and phone industries.


FCC is an agency of the United States of America. It is an independent agency that controls communications by television, radio, satellite, and wire. Federal Communications Commission establishes basic requirements for telecommunication equipment that are based on the satellite broadcasts which are used in the country.

It is responsible to Congress. It was set up by the country’s Communications Act of 1934. It is basically charged with international and interstate communications by television, wire, radio, cable, and satellite.

The jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission covers 50 states of the country and territories, it also covers the District of Columbia and the United States Possession.

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1. Why did direct democracy work for the ancient Greek city of Athens?


2. How were people in the middle colonies different from those in the New England and Southern colonies?


Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Federal Communications Commission

Keywords: communication, commission, satellite, telecommunication, possession, jurisdiction, broadcasts, equipment

Answer 2

The regulation of satellites is part of the scope of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

It is the FCC that establishes specific requirements for telecommunications equipment based on satellite broadcasts used in the country. All orbiting satellites whose transmissions reach the US, including TV, internet and telephone signals, are licensed by the FCC to operate their particular type of communication.

In addition, the FCC establishes regulations for companies that intend to use satellites in orbit to provide telecommunication services in the country, also requiring a specific license to allow the use of such communications.

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Extinguished the behaviour:

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C. A and B


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Austria and Hungary


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his weak stance against Georgia's aggression in claiming Native American lands


answer from study island!

Even tho he was an alright president he did fail some times

 Jackson had dismissed less than twenty percent of the original federal employees. While Jackson did not start the "spoils system", he did indirectly encourage its growth for many years to come.  

Got hep form ask.com

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The branch of the military that wears the Security Forces (SF) beret with the Defensor Fortis flash is the **Air Force**.

The Air Force Security Forces (SF) is the military police and law enforcement branch of the United States Air Force. SF Airmen are responsible for protecting Air Force personnel, property, and resources. They also conduct criminal investigations and respond to emergencies.

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