European interest in the Middle East intensified after oil was discovered in the region.Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Answer 1

The statement is - True.

After the discovery of the oil reserves in the Middle East, the more powerful countries of Europe started to intensify their interest about the region a lot.

Until the oil reserves were discovered, the Middle East was not a zone of interest for the super powers of the European continent, so the region was kind of of put aside. But than, the oil reserves were discovered, and just that, but it turned out that they are enormous, the biggest in the world, and that changed the way the Middle East was looked at.

After the oil reserves were discovered and started to be exploited, all of the stronger and more influential countries had their focus on this region, and they still have it.

Answer 2
Answer: True. The Brittish, Russians and Other countries invaded and took over many areas of the middle east.

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2. The fact that mechanized agriculture has replaced manual labor.


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A is the answer


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