Why was the government of ancient Rome divided into three parts?A) to establish separate governments
B) so that one group could not get too powerful
C) because there were three Roman emperors at the time
D) so that the emperor could employ more citizens


Answer 1
Answer: b) so tht 1 group could not get too powerful
Answer 2


B) so that one group could not get too powerful

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Hitler- Germany will arise and not be looked down upon with scorn by outsiders. I will show the outside world who is boss and will conquer many nations.
Gandhi-Why would you do that? Do you not care about human life?
Hitler- human life is of little value to me. I hate the Jews, those who help them, gypsies, or those who are not Arian. I am doing this for my country. In World War 1 my country suffered tremendously. In order to get the German's back on track I need to raise patriotism in their soul so that they will support my actions.
Gandhi-  Many people suffered during World War One. That's what happens in a time of war but war is not the answer.
Hitler- Sure it is. My enemies will suffer and Germany will be a superpower once more.
Gandhi- Let me ask you...Aren't you a Christian? If so, did Christ not teach about loving your enemies and doing go to those who persecute you?
Hitler- I only claimed Christianity to get elected and the Protestant Reformation began here in Germany.
Gandhi- So you lied so that you could get into office.
Hitler- Yes, I did so that I could bring honor back to Germany.
Gandhi- By bringing honor back to Germany you think that means to kill thousands or even millions of people who are innocent for the sake of Germany.
Hitler- Yes.
Gandhi- Do you think that the war is going to have an affect on your people. I mean think about it, when a nation is at war, many of their own people die that don't deserve it.
Hitler- I don't care. As long as my enemies are destroyed then that is all that matters.
Gandhi- Would you just listen to yourself. Instead of getting revenge why don't you forgive your enemies. There are better ways to bring back Germany's power without having to kill people.
Hitler- I don't care. Sometimes war helps a nation get out of the depression that it is in because it puts people back at work. People go work in the factories to make weapons for the soldiers so we win this war.
Gandhi- You are a heartless man. Why put your people through another war. They are suffering as it is. As a leader you have a lot of power. You can either start a war or prevent one from happening.
Hitler- You are a foolish man. You suffer in the name of peace. Look at what has happened to you.
Gandhi-But someday I know someone will hear my voice. I will not have died in vain and people will learn about me in a positive manner. My hope is that I will make a difference  in the lives of the Indian people.
Hitler- You really are a  loony man.
Gandhi- No, I am thinking outside of the box. Look at how this war can affect you and your people in the long run. I want to be remembered as a man who sought justice in a peaceful way. Violence just leads to more violence.
 Hitler- I don't care what you say I am still going to do what I want to do.

What do you think would happen to the United States and to us if Jefferson or Hamilton did no exist?



If Jefferson did not exist, there would be no constitution

without Hamilton, there would be worse national debt and national bank.


I know this because of history.

how did a process used by Native Americans to settle disputes have an effect on American culture today



Local Americans see wrongdoing as an issue that influenced the whole network as opposed to an individual issue.


They had an all encompassing view of the universe and they thought about the mending procedure of the goals and they utilized intervention to unravel clashes as they didn't put stock in the equity framework.  Mediation's a strategy for elective question goals to enable individuals to accomplish an understanding by an unbiased and impartial outsider not at all like the prosecution procedure where a judge forces a choice.

Native Americans view crime as a problem that affected the entire community rather than a personal problem. They had a holistic perception of the universe and they cared for the healing process of the resolution and they used mediation to solve conflicts as they did not believed in the justice system.

Mediationis a method of alternative dispute resolution to help people achieve an agreement by an impartial and neutral third party unlike the litigation process where a judge imposes a decision.

A mediator is not an advice giver or decision maker but he encourages the parties involved in creating an agreement taking both sides in consideration. This is inspired by Native Americans wisdom and it teaches us to take in consideration a person's emotions.

What did Thomas Jefferson mean by the phrase "all men are created equal"?


What did Thomas Jefferson mean by this statement? There are two ways that all “men”all persons might be “created equal.” One is that they are all by birth or naturally political equals. This means that no one is legitimately the ruler of others by birth and no one is by birth the subject of a ruler.

Final answer:

Thomas Jefferson's phrase 'all men are created equal' implies that all people have the same inherent rights, forming the basis of human rights and democratic principles. However, in his time, this didn't always extend to all individuals.


When Thomas Jefferson penned the phrase 'all men are created equal' in the Declaration of Independence, he meant that all human beings, regardless of their race, religion, or gender, have the same natural rights. These rights are not granted or assigned by government or society, but are inherent within every individual from the moment of their creation - that is, their birth. Hence, this principle establishes the basic foundation for human rights and democratic principles in the United States. However, it's important to note that during Jefferson's time, this phrase did not necessarily extend to enslaved people, women, or Native Americans, demonstrating a complex historical context and a significant gap between the ideal and reality.

Learn more about All men are created equal here:
