Which of the following options best describes the characteristics of a Chicano mural piece?


Answer 1
Answer: The set of choices to this question are the following:
1. a large, colorful wall painting featuring Mexican American themes
2. a realistic portrait of a nineteenth-century Spanish politician hanging in a museum
3. an abstract expressionist painting that has colorful shapes representing human figures
4. a big canvas detailing the African American struggle in the United States

The answer is 
a realistic portrait of a nineteenth-century Spanish politician hanging in a museum.

Chicano art (movement) is a 
 Mexican-American social, political and cultural issues .
Answer 2
Answer: a large, colorful wall painting featuring Mexican American themes

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The Wall Street Crash of 1929 has many impacts on the U.S., whether it be social or financial impacts. The event is mostly known as the 'Stock Market Crash of 1929', or the 'Great Crash'. 

In September, one month before the stock market crashed, investors realized that the economy was indeed going slower than usual. This is when the investors became very desperate and started to sell their shares (proportion of a company). Some of the prices on it were ridiculously high, only because the economy was beginning to fail. Before the stock market crashed, many investors got to sell their shares for very high prices, while in the next few days, the price of shares dropped increasingly low. This is when the stock market in New York crashed. 

Following the crash, many of the investors were now basically broke. They had troubles paying off debts, and lost savings. Majority of the population lost their job or either had their hourly/daily rate cut. This then became known as the worldwide 'Great Depression'. 

To sum it up, after the stock market crashed, most of the population could not afford many things (such as food, clothes, and daily stuff). Employees were either cut from their job or their hourly/daily rate was cut down. All this led down to cause the 'Great Depression'.

Which leader was backed by the United States during the Korean War?


During the Korean War, the US was supporting South Korea. South Korea was formerly a part of the Japanese Empire. Japan had surrendered South Korea to General Hodge. Later on, South Korea was recognized as the People’s Republic of Korea, headed by Syngman Rhee.

Syngman Rhee.........................................

How were popular viewpoints in U.S. society reflected in the Progressive Party's1912 platform? Select the correct answer in each row.


I'd be happy to provide some key aspects of the Progressive Party's 1912 platform and how they reflected popular viewpoints in U.S. society at that time:

1. **Economic Reforms**: The Progressive Party advocated for a series of economic reforms, including stronger regulation of large corporations and monopolies. This reflected the popular concern about the growing power of big business and a desire for fair competition.

2. **Social Welfare**: The platform called for social welfare programs, such as workers' compensation, women's suffrage, and child labor laws. These reflected a growing sense of social responsibility and a desire to improve the lives of workers and vulnerable populations.

3. **Political Reform**: The Progressives pushed for political reforms, including direct election of senators, women's suffrage, and primary elections. These reforms aimed to make the political system more democratic and responsive to the will of the people, reflecting a broader desire for increased political participation.

4. **Conservation**: The Progressive Party supported conservation efforts and environmental protection, reflecting growing concerns about the impact of industrialization on the environment and a desire to preserve natural resources for future generations.

5. **Anti-Corruption**: The platform emphasized anti-corruption measures, including campaign finance reform and civil service reform. This reflected widespread concerns about political corruption and a desire for a more transparent and accountable government.

6. **Peace Advocacy**: The Progressives also promoted international peace efforts and arbitration, reflecting a desire to avoid the conflicts and wars that had characterized the early 20th century.

Overall, the Progressive Party's 1912 platform reflected popular viewpoints in U.S. society at that time, including a desire for economic and political reforms, social welfare, and a more just and accountable government.



Increased government regulation: The Progressive Era was characterized by a growing belief in the need for government intervention to address social and economic issues. The Progressive Party's platform likely reflected this sentiment by advocating for increased government regulation of industries, such as trusts and monopolies, to promote fair competition and protect consumers.

Social reforms: Progressives sought to address social inequalities and improve living conditions. The Progressive Party's platform might have included support for issues such as labor rights, women's suffrage, child labor laws, and improved working conditions.

Political reforms: Progressives aimed to combat corruption and enhance democracy. The Progressive Party may have advocated for political reforms such as direct election of senators, campaign finance reform, and measures to increase government transparency and accountability.

Conservation and environmental protection: The Progressive Era saw increased awareness of environmental issues and the need for conservation. The Progressive Party might have emphasized the importance of preserving natural resources, creating national parks, and implementing policies to protect the environment.

Anti-imperialism: Some Progressives opposed U.S. involvement in overseas expansion and advocated for a more restrained foreign policy. The Progressive Party's platform could have reflected this sentiment by opposing imperialism and advocating for a focus on domestic issues.

What makes the french and american revolutions have in common



Both want a change from being ruled by an absolute ruler, both have economic instability from war debt, both have social inequality. And also, both started because of enlightenment ideas.

Explanation: Hope that this helped!!1

The U.S. capital, Washington D.C., borders the states of Virginia and _______.1. Maryland
2. Delaware
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4. Washington





What was the main concern with the first draft of the Articles of Confederation?


The main concern was that all of the powers of government were concentrated in one branch of government, what we now refer to as the Legislative Branch. There were no provisions for an Executive Branch to enforce laws enacted by the Legislative Branch, nor were there provisions for a Judicial Branch to interpret the laws.