What are three causes of the Great Schism in Christianity?


Answer 1

Three causes of Great Schism:

  • Mainly the Great Schism was caused by disputes over authority in the church.
  • The East objected to the addition of the Latin word "filioque" (meaning "and the Son") to the Nicene Creed, in which churches in the West confessed that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the Son (rather than from the Father alone, as confessed in the East).
  • The West objected to the worship given to icons in the Eastern churches.

There were points of doctrinal dispute (such as those I listed).  Ultimately, though, the biggest reason was the struggle over authority in the church.  In 1054 CE, there were mutual declarations of excommunication between the pope (in Rome) and the patriarch (in Constantinople) that  resulted in what is known as "The Great Schism" -- a monumental split between the western church (the Roman Catholic Church and what has become known as the Eastern Orthodox Church.   "Catholic" means universal -- the Roman pope was intent on asserting his leadership over all of Christendom.  "Orthodox" means "right teaching."  The Eastern patriarch and church were asserting their teachings to be right over against positions held in the West.  There were a number of doctrinal issues debated hotly between East and West over the centuries leading up to final break between the two halves of the church. But more than anything, the split came down to "church power" -- who held control over the church.  

Answer 2

The Three causes of the Great Schism in Christianity are:

  1. Dispute over the use of images in the church
  2. The addition of the Latin word Filioque to the Nicene Creed
  3. Dispute about who is the leader or head of the church

Further Explanation

The Nicene Creed, also known as Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed during proceedings normally referenced only the spirit from the father, but when the Latin term “filioque” was added to Nicene Creed, the meaning it has in the west was that during proceedings the holy spirit would now be referenced as both the father and the son.

The patriarch of Constantinople during the period of Great schism was Michael Cerularius, he disagreed totally with the inclusion of the word Filioque and this prompted him to excommunicate any bishops who followed the practice and also vowed to close down their churches.

Pope Leo I in Rome became very angry with the actions of Michael Cerularius and demanded that Cerularius must respect and submit to his command, cerularius was adamant and maintained his stands

However, to further resolve the impasse between Pope Leo I and Michael Cerularius, the pope sent some delegates to meet with Cerularius but the pope died before the peace talks occurred.

Also, Michael Cerularius refused to talk with the head of the delegate, Cardinal Humbert and due to Cerulariu's refusal to speak with the delegate; the delegate placed a bull of excommunication on the altar in protest against Cerularius and this decision led to the division of the church.

The church later divided 2 and the churches include

  1. Roman Catholic churches
  2. Eastern Orthodox



  • great schism
  • Christianity
  • three
  • causes
  • church
  • catholic

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Sacrilegious- A violation or misuse of what is regarded sacred. Committing immoral or sinful acts inside a sacred building. Ex: Robbing or vandalizing a sacred property or committing murder/sexual acts inside a sacred building.

Non-Religious- Not relating or believing in religion.