What is the main reason that the people of Riswyk would guard the gold with their lives


Answer 1
Answer: Because if you have gold you will be rich with money

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Which pair of words has a similar denotation but different connotations? a. establish and vanquish b. flourishing and treacherous c. combat and battled. opponents and enemies
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School EnglishWrite a comparitive analysis of Homer Invoking the Muse in the Iliad and A Maiden's Lament by The Lady Sakanouhe. Your analysis should identify the similarity and differences in topic in just a sentence or two. Your main task is to compare the structures of each poem and identify and explain how they are alike and different. Your essay should be about a page long. It's a formal explanatory piece of writing so should not include I or you because the topic is what the authors are doing.Please help!!
Can someone please fix up all the issues in this essay?Libya is located north of Africa. It borders Algeria, which is the largest country in Africa, Chad, Egypt, Niger, Sudan and Tunisia. The capital is Tripoli which is populated with 1.126 million that's twice as less than Brooklyn. The second biggest city in Libya is Benghazi. It has a lot of history in it. It used to be an ancient Greek City. Later in the thirteenth century it was invaded by the Turks. In 1911, Italians invaded Benghazi. World War 2 had much effect on Benghazi and during the Battle of El Alamein, they defeated African Corps. Benghazi was heavily bombed during World War 2, however, it was able to rebuilt itself with the country's newly found oil wealth. Libya’s land is like a desert. Its plateau forms part of the North Africa, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the red sea. The ground is barren rocky and like a sand desert. Libya has many good beaches such as the Zuwarah and Farwa Island. It has natural features like the most prominent Sahara desert and Mediterranean coast. In Africa, Libya has the longest Mediterranean coast line. Mogharet el Kantara is one of the most famous mad-made features. It’s a wide cave with paintings of mostly cattle and homestead scenes. The highest pint in Libya is Bikku Bitti, or Bette Peak. It’s in the extreme south. The main geographical areas are Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, the Sirte desert and Fezzan. The Mediterranean Sea and the desert get affected by Libya’s climate. Their climate is a lot like Israel's. They have cool and rainy winters however it’s not humid. Unlike New York City, the deserts are very hot and dry in the summer. Just like most countries, January is coolest month and June is the warmest. March is the wettest month while January is driest month of the year. Libya has a transitional government. There was a Dictator named Muammar Qadhafi but he was taken over in 2011. It still continues today. On June 2014, Libya had its second government election, since Muammar Qadhafi was over thrown. The Constitutional Court that had ruled the parliament that was elected was corrupt. The Pro-Islamist soldiers partnered up with the Muslim brotherhood and have made similar organizations. The head government, chief of state and prime minister is Fayez al-sarraj. Libyan flag colors meaning the colors represent the three major regions of the country. Red stands for Fezzan black signifies Cyrenaica, and Green indicates Tripolitania. The star and the crescent represent the main religion in the country, Islam. The Libyan culture is a combination of many other cultures, due to its exposure to many historical eras. Its culture includes roots in Berber, African, Turkish, and Muslim cultures. Libya was also part of the Italian colonies for about three decades, which had a big result on the Libyan culture. The native language is Arabic. Food in Libya is one of the most important events of any Libyan family. “One must eat well” is what Libyans say. Milk, grains, olives, palm dates and olive oil are the main ingredients for their dishes. The common foods and dishes contain; A dish made up of a cooked wheat flour lump of dough, sometimes butter, honey or rub; flatbreads and breads; Bureek and turnovers; couscous, a north African dish of Semolina; Ghraybeh which are butter cookies. Holidays take great part of the Libyan culture. Eid-al-Fitr is one of the major Muslim holidays. It involves many Muslims waking up early and praying either at an outdoor prayer ground mosque. Finest clothes are worn in this holiday. They decorate their homes with light and other ornaments. An additional holiday is the Day of Arafan. This holiday is an Islamic festival celebrated on the ninth day of the month of Dnu-al-Hijjah. Do u Libya’s most played sport? It’s actually Israel's and the whole worlds but Americas most famous sport. If you thought soccer than you have predicted correct! Soccer is the most admired in Libya. Libyans are passionate towards Soccer. Camel racing is also a major sport that Libyans enjoy to play. Just like any other country in Africa, Libya has its own unique dress code. Women outside of cities rules for clothing: 1. You’re not allowed to wear see through clothing 2. only loose fitted clothing 3. clothing must cover all body parts 4. no name brands 5. do not wear men’s clothing or items worn by faithless women 6. nothing that attracts attention 7. The clothing shouldn’t have a perfume scent In cities women are allowed to wear skirts and pants three-quarter-length. There is no need for head scarves.

What is the -1/4 divided by 1/16


  -1/4 divided by 1/16 = -0.015625

What is the function of the bumpy  pads on a tasmanian devils paws


Adaptions for friction and traction.

How is the underlined pronoun in the sentence used? Who told you about the surprise birthday party? A. predicate nominative B. object of a preposition C. subject D. direct object


If the underlined pronoun is who, then the answer is C) subject. If the underlined pronoun is you, then the answer is indirect object. 

NickiDaisyJordanTomGatsby For each character, write down five characterizing adjectives to describe what you know about them. Characterizing adjectives should be features that can be backed up with evidence from the text.


Nick: intelligent, naive, observant, pure, discreet

Daisy: vain, shallow, passionate, insensitive, selfish

Jordan: straightforward, smart, experienced, fun-loving, accepting

Tom: determined, brave, aggressive, deceitful, unfaithful

Gatsby: ambitious, naive, honest, pure-hearted, intense

Nick is new to the vanity of society, its shallowness and selfishness. He believes people to be good and he is discreet, not discussing other people's affairs.

Daisy, on the other hand, is skilled in the art of social climbing. She and her friend Jordan accept reality and society as they are and know how to make the best out of situations. Daisy only thinks of herself and what is best for her and her lifestyle. Jordan is a smart woman, but she has chosen fun over love, a superficial reality over profound dreams.

Tom and Gatsby are opposites. The former is a brute born rich. The latter is a gentleman born poor. Tom, just like his wife, Daisy, understands how the world works and how to make the best out of it. He's used to having anything he wants and knows how to keep the upper hand. Gatsby, though, is ambitious but innocent. Even though he is a criminal, he's inherently good and, just like Nick, believes there is goodness in everyone. That is precisely his mistake. He idolizes Daisy, failing to see her ugly selfish heart.

6. Which sentence does not contain any errors in period usage?A. I have an appointment with Dr Peters on Rt. 81 in Scaggsville
Direct questions to customer Care Dept., Park St, Provo, UT
B 84602
O C. Their new address is 63 King Blvd., Ocala, FL 34478.
o D. Franklin know that Mrs. Jackson moved into a house on
Did you


The answer is D. That is because there is a period after Mrs. and a correct punctuation.

PLEASE ANSWER ASAP! MUST BE CORRECT! POINTS GIVEN! Find the best word to complete the sentence.

My brother clung ___ to his belief that Alfred Hitchcock was the greatest film director of all time.






The only one that makes sense in the context of the sentence is C. :)
c because pertinacious mean persistent
Other Questions
Which sentence uses italics correctly? A. Did you read the article Backpacking in Italy? B. Before visiting Italy, I read the book "The Italians" by Luigi Barzini. C. It was in last month's issue of that new magazine, Traveling. D. This book contains a chapter titled Sicily and Sardinia. Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. At the Louvre, we bought a magazine with an article titled "Mona Lisa's Mysterious Smile." B. When in France, my mother and I visited the Rodin Museum and saw the famous sculpture "The Thinker." C. The French movie "The Wild Child" tells the story of a boy who grew up in a forest, without human contact. D. Have you seen the play "The Misanthrope" by the French playwright Molière? Which sentence uses italics correctly? A. When I ignore the alarm clock, my father bursts into my room singing the song Oh, What Beautiful Mornin'. B. He has a difficult time spelling words like colonel and receipt. C. Ivan read aloud the short poem Dark Skies at Dusk from a poetry journal. D. My cousin in Paris subscribes to two newspapers, "Le Figaro" and "Le Monde." Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. One of my favorite humorous poems by Ogden Nash is "The Adventures of Isabel." B. My parents took me to see the opera titled "The Little Prince," which is based on the book of the same name. C. Have you seen "Lawrence of Arabia," a great movie set in the Sahara? D. Soon we will travel to the Mediterranean on a ship called "The Princess." Which sentence uses italics correctly? A. How many m's are in the word Alabama? B. Did you read this newspaper article titled Let's Honor Our Veterans Now? C. Yesterday we read a sad short story titled The Necklace. D. I can't tell whether that is a "B" or an "8," can you? Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. Ronald told us he would meet us at 8 p.m. B. Ronald told us "he would meet us at 8 p.m." C. Ronald "told us he would meet us at 8 p.m." D. "Ronald told us" he would meet us at 8 p.m. Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. Many players' coaches "tell them not" to talk back to the referee. B. Many players' coaches "tell them not to talk back" to the referee. C. Many players' coaches tell them not to talk back to the referee. D. Many players' coaches "tell them not to talk back to the referee." Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. The teacher encouraged them "that they should do their best!" B. The teacher encouraged them, Do your best! C. The teacher encouraged them, "Do your best!" D. The teacher "encouraged them that they should do their best!" Which sentence uses capital letters correctly? A. The speaker claimed, "A French citizen invented the calculator." B. The speaker claimed, "a French citizen invented the calculator." Which sentence uses capital letters correctly? A. "To our immediate right was a mother bear," he recalled. "we stood completely still!" B. "To our immediate right was a mother bear," he recalled. "We stood completely still!" Which sentence uses commas correctly? A. "Speaking of which," interrupted Derek "where are our tickets?" B. Rebecca asked "Are they in your jacket pocket?" C. "Oh no, I think I left them at home!", wailed Trevor." D. "You have twenty minutes," she said, "before the show begins." Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. Sheila said excitedly, "I have to tell you about the sights, sounds, and smells of Paris!" B. "The Louvre," said Sheila. "is the most beautiful art museum in the world." C. "Let me show you a picture of it in this French magazine." she continued. D. "It would take weeks" she assured us, "to begin to discover it." Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. They said, "We are really looking forward to our trip to England"! B. "Definitely" said his father with a smile. C. "Will we visit the Tower of London as well"? asked Brandon. D. "The river Thames," he explained, "is spanned by the famous Tower Bridge." Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. "Do you mean through the weekend as well" asked a timid violinist. B. "Precisely," boomed the conductor, "and there should be no excuses!" C. My fellow drummer asked me in a whisper, "Do you think he is being unreasonable"? D. The conductor urged "All musicians should continue to practice for the remainder of the week." Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. Stacy asked "Did you know that Second City is turning fifty years old"? B. "Many of their performers," she went on to say, "have gone on to television and movies." C. "Oh, yes." said Stephen "I think I've seen some of them on TV." D. "Second City" Stacy continued "is a famous comedy troupe from Chicago."