Which is considered a "legally impaired" blood alcohol percentage?


Answer 1
Answer: The "legally Impaired" blood alcohol percentage is 80%.

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Avoid too many commitments

and an advice from me EAT PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!
having a soak in the bath;chatting to your friends;writing a letter;listening to some music.

You are assisting a burn victim. The layers of skin and tissues are permanently damaged. The muscles and bones are affected by the burn too. Which type of burn is it?


The answer is "Third-degree burn".

Pain management for burns can be troublesome, in light of the fact that consumes vary in sort and seriousness. There are three sorts of burns:  

First-degree burns are viewed as mellow contrasted with different consumes. They result in agony and blushing of the epidermis (external layer of the skin).  

Second-degree burns (fractional thickness burns) influence the epidermis and the dermis (bring down layer of skin). They cause torment, redness, swelling, and rankling.  

Third-degree burns (full thickness burns) experience the dermis and influence further tissues. They result in white or darkened, burned skin that might be numb.

If a burning victim's layers of skin and tissues are permanently damaged and the muscles and bones are affected then the type of burn experienced by the victim is third degree burn. This type of burn is the most severe and treatments depend on the quantity of the surface area that is affected.

You are asked to write an article for the school newspaper about fad diets. Which of the following paragraphs would be the most factual?


A.  Fad diets are extreme and do not include balanced meals. They are usually hard to maintain because of their extreme restrictions. Also, the weight one loses while on a fad diet is generally gained back as soon as a person stops dieting.

you really gotta put the options down next time....  so that people actually know what they're answering


The correct answer is A) Fad diets are extreme and do not include balanced meals. They are usually hard to maintain because of their extreme restrictions. Also, the weight one loses while on a fad diet is generally gained back as soon as a person stops dieting.


Which one of the following choices can be added to increase the "creaminess" and nutritional value of soups without adding fat?
A. Cornstarch
B. Nonfat milk
C. Creamed corn
D. Pureed root vegetables


The answer isletter D. 

Pureedroot vegetables can add to the nutritional value and creaminess of soupswithout adding fats to the component of the food. Pureed root vegetables areoften used in place of milk and cream to add richness and texture to food. Rootvegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes have a starchy texture or componentthat when boiled and pureed are released into the ingredient causing the liquidsubstance to thicken. It also contains carbohydrates and other nutrientsthat may add up to the nutritional value of the soup that is being prepared. 

Which one of the following choices can be added to increase the "creaminess" and nutritional value of

soups without adding fat?

A. Cornstarch

B. Nonfat milk

C. Creamed corn

D. Pureed root vegetables

The answer is d

Girls are usually completely physically mature by the time they are __________ years old.a. 15 to 17
b. 17 to 19
c. 12 to 15
d. 18 to 21


To all the women who disagree with the statement, THE CORRECT ANSWER

IS: A. 15 to 17

IS NOT: 18 to 20

if you are asking PHYSICALLY mature its C. but some females take longer so some times A

what you should do when you have a irritating brother who can't listen, is disrespectful, and is annoying?



Dealing with an irritating and disrespectful sibling can be challenging. Here are some tips on how to handle such a situation:

  • Maintain Calm and Patience: Try to remain calm and patient when dealing with your brother. Reacting with anger or frustration can often escalate the situation.

  • Communicate: Have an open and honest conversation with your brother. Share your feelings and concerns, and encourage him to do the same. Good communication can help resolve conflicts.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and rules for your interactions. Make sure both of you understand and agree to these boundaries.

  • Seek Help: If the situation doesn't improve, consider involving a trusted adult, like a parent or counselor, to mediate and help find a solution.

  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise and reward good behavior. This can encourage your brother to be more respectful and less annoying.

  • Lead by Example: Show your brother how you want to be treated by treating him with respect and kindness. Sometimes, modeling the desired behavior can have a positive impact.

  • Give Space: If necessary, spend time apart to reduce conflicts and irritation. Having some personal space can be helpful.

  • Practice Self-Care: Taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically, is important. Engage in activities that help you relax and de-stress.

  • Be Mindful of Your Reactions: Sometimes, ignoring or not reacting to annoying behavior can be an effective strategy. It can discourage such behavior if it's attention-seeking.

  • Build a Support System: Talk to friends or other family members about your feelings and seek their advice and support.

Remember that it may take time to see improvements in your relationship with your brother, and it's okay to seek help from adults or professionals if needed. Your own well-being is essential, so make sure you're taking care of yourself during this process.