Which condition is least likely to occur if the cilia in our respitory system are damaged


Answer 1
Answer: Since you have not presented any choices of diseases for the question, I'll just enumerate some conditions that would lead to damage of respiratory system. The conditions that are most likely to occur if the cilia in our respiratory system are:

-Smoker's cough
-Lung cancer

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Which Spanish conquistador conquered the Incas?

The Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incas was Francisco Pizarro. He led the expedition that resulted in the fall of the Inca Empire and the capture of its ruler, Atahualpa, in 1532. This marked the beginning of Spanish colonial rule in the region that is now modern-day Peru.

Learn more on Incas here;



The Spaniard, Francisco Pizarro and his conquistadors defeated the Incas in 1532.

By 1532, Pizarro had defeated the bulk of the Incas, only some very stubborn pockets of resistance held out against the Spanish total conquest of Peru until 1533.

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Since you provide no picture , In the past, mongols was able to conquer almost all part of Asia and some part of eastern Europe.

So here are some territories that mongols did not conquer :
- Western Europe, such as France and England
- South East Asia , such as malaysia , Indonesia, Thailand
- Africa , such as Egypt 

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It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period.
It began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and merged into the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery. The Middle Ages is the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period.

Hope this helps.

The most prosperous time in the Han Dynasty was under the leadership of Emperor Wudi. The empire extended as far west as Kyrgyzstan and included Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula. This was accomplished by


The most prosperous time in the Han Dynasty was under the leadership of emperor Wudi. The empire extended as far west as Kyrgyzstan and included Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula. This was accomplished by wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power.

What is a kingdom?

A kingdom is a territory of land that is governed by a king or queen. A king or a queen who ruled a kingdom has absolute authority and influence over a people and the whole of its territory.

A ruler of a kingdom has the responsibility and duties to his subjects for their wellbeing and take care for the prosperity and development of the subjects and the kingdom. His dominion and authority are absolute.

Every kingdom must have a king, but it is also true that every king is automatically a "lord". A king charges the taxes and takes the decision for the involvement in the war.

The Han's empire extended as far west as Kyrgyzstan and included Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula. This was accomplished by wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power.

Learn more about kingdom here:



Wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power

for which achievement is Suleiman the magnificent best known?



for me i think his conquest of land is the most significant 
he lead armies to take over Rhodes, part of Hungry and Belgrade 
greatly increasing the area of the Ottoman empire
his leadership skills are very noteworthy 
Conquest of land, like above answered said. Also uniting his kingdom