What is the definition for imperceptible?


Answer 1

"Imperceptible" is an adjective that describes something that is not easily perceived or detected by the senses or human observation. It refers to things that are extremely subtle, faint, or small, making them difficult to notice or recognize.

For example, imagine a gentlebreeze blowing on a warm summer day. The movement of the air may be so slight and gentle that you can feel it, but you cannot see it or hear it. In this case, the movement of the air would be considered imperceptible to the eyes and ears because it is too subtle to be easily noticed.

Similarly, certain changes in temperature or changes in the environment may occur so gradually that they are imperceptible to people over short periods. For instance, a slight drop in temperature over several hours may not be noticeable to individuals, but over time, it can lead to significant changes in weather conditions.

In a different context, imperceptible changes in a person's behavior or emotions may be difficult for others to detect. For example, subtle changes in facial expressions or body language may convey emotions that are imperceptible to most people but can be interpreted by those who are highly observant or sensitive.

Overall, "imperceptible" refers to things that are hard to notice, observe, or detect due to their subtlety, faintness, or smallness, requiring a keen eye or attention to detail to recognize their presence or impact.

To know more about Imperceptible:



Answer 2




not distinguishable by the senses

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A. Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder (OCD)

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The correct answer is B. After hiking for hours, the hikers saw the rest area appear in the near distance.


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Considering this, the best revision for this sentence would be to state it the entity or agent of the action and change the word "appear", therefore, the best revision is "After hiking for hours, the hikers saw the rest area appear in the near distance" as this explicitly states the "hikers" were the ones that hiked for hours and then they saw the rest are, which corrects the mistakes of the original sentence.

After hiking fir hours, the hikers saw the rest area in the near distance.

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The answer is A


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