Having too much pride is a common theme in greek stories. For Achilles, his pride is his most glaring and majow flaw. It causes his downfall. Think about the events so far in the story. Why is Achilles' excessive pride causing his downfall?


Answer 1
Answer: Excessive pride will always cause one to his downfall. This happened to Achilles. During the times when pride was ruling in his mind, the Greeks were destroyed and he was also punished. He lost the glory he wanted from the Greeks. Also, he lost a dear friend, Patroclus. Because of his great pride, he craved for vengeance which eventually led him to death.
Answer 2


Excessive pride will always cause one to his downfall. This happened to Achilles. During the times when pride was ruling in his mind, the Greeks were destroyed and he was also punished. He lost the glory he wanted from the Greeks. Also, he lost a dear friend, Patroclus. Because of his great pride, he craved for vengeance which eventually led him to death.


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hope this helps you


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I hope this helps


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