Michelle knows that her cardiovascular workout is too easy because she _____. is not feeling any muscle pull during her exercises can do more sets than is recommended has too much energy left at the end of the workout can move into the exercises with ease


Answer 1

Answer: Too much energy is left after the workout session.


Cardiovascular workout is not easy as there is almost no energy left at the end of the exercise. But if the intensity of the exercise in not more then too much energy is left at the end of the exercise.

Michelle knows that his workout is not upto the mark as he feels energetic even after his work out session which is normally not possible.

Hence, he should increase the time or intensity of the session for improving the results.

Answer 2

Answer: Too much energy is left after the workout session.


Cardiovascular workout is not easy as there is almost no energy left at the end of the exercise. But if the intensity of the exercise in not more then too much energy is left at the end of the exercise.

Michelle knows that his workout is not upto the mark as he feels energetic even after his work out session which is normally not possible.

Hence, he should increase the time or intensity of the session for improving the results.

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Answer:The Rooting Relfex
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The answer to your question is Calcium
because it keeps our bones healthy and strong.
People usually get calcium from dairy products. For example, milk, cheese, and butter. If you eat a good portion of dairy products then your not so prone to broken bones and you will have a healthy bone:)
anyways hope i helped
and don't forget to 

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I am answering the second one btw, so here we go

A gradually but completely withdrawing from alcohol or drugs.

What are some of the basic emotions we all experience


It depends on whose theory or definition of basic emotion you want to follow.

Paul Ekman identified six basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise) while Robert Plutchik identifies eight, which he grouped into four pairs of polar opposites (joy-sadness, anger-fear, trust-distrust, surprise-anticipation). I would also put envy as a basic emotion we all experience and love.

These basic emotions are considered universal because they are experienced by people regardless of culture or upbringing, such as love, hatred, guilt, shame, surprise, etc.

Happiness is the feeling of joy, contentment, and positive well-being. Sadness is the feeling of unhappiness, sorrow, or grief. Anger is the feeling of being irritated, frustrated, or provoked. Fear is the feeling of being afraid, anxious, or threatened. While there may be variations in how emotions are expressed and regulated across cultures, the underlying emotional experiences tend to be similar. It's important to note that these emotions can vary in intensity and duration, and individuals may experience a combination of emotions in different situations. Additionally, there are other complex emotions that can emerge from combinations or variations of these basic emotions.

Learn more about emotions here.



A 75-year-old woman with no history of lung problems or smoking is admitted to the shadow general medical floor for new onset fever and cough. you find rales and increased tactile fremitus on physical exam. what is likely to be her main medical problem?


These clinical signs suggest a respiratory disease: pneumonia (pulmonary infection by an agent)

Classically, pneumonia is manifested by the usual signs of infection and inflammatory reaction such as fever, and by specifically pulmonary signs (coughing, spitting). But it can take different forms depending on the germ involved and the people. Typical pneumonia is pneumonia associated with a bacterium called pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae). In this case, the onset of symptoms is often abrupt, with very high fatigue, usually fever high (above 39 °C), chills, chest pain ("stabbing"), sometimes breathing difficulties. Clinical examination is important for diagnosis. The stethoscope auscultation allows to hear crackling (crackles) localized, during breathing, and the percussion of the thorax with the fingers to perceive a dull sound, corresponding to the replacement of the air by secretions within the focus infectious.

Final answer:

The 75-year-old woman's symptoms are indicative of a respiratory infection, most likely pneumonia, characterized by a fever, cough, rales, and increased tactile fremitus. This condition is common among the elderly due to weakened immune systems. Confirmation would require more diagnostic tests, such as a chest radiograph.


The symptoms presented by the 75-year-old woman are indicative of a respiratory infection, most likely pneumonia. Rales and increased tactile fremitus on physical examination, along with onset fever and cough, are common signs of this condition. Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs, and it can be caused by a variety of organisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi.

These symptoms can be better confirmed with further diagnostic tests like a chest radiograph, which was noted in the reference cases as showing evidence of pneumonia in terms of 'shadows' or 'abnormal material'. Moreover, the greenish color of the sputum sample is also an indication of bacterial infection, as is common in pneumonia. Advancements of these symptoms can lead to serious health issues if not treated timely and appropriately, as such, it is crucial for her to receive medical attention.

The main factor contributing to a possible diagnosis of pneumonia in this case is the lady's age. As we age, our immune system typically becomes less effective, increasing the risk of infection such as pneumonia. This is despite the fact that she has no history of lung problems or smoking. It is important to note that such conditions can affect anyone, regardless of their past medical history.

Learn more about Pneumonia here:



For my homework we have to write a letter to agony aunt. and then answer them as if you were the agony aunt.Mine is That my best friend breasts hurt and she is worrying.
What can i say for the agony aunt


Say exactly what you're thinking. Just let the words flow. Something like,
Dear agony aunt,
My best friend's breasts hurt and it's worrying her a lot. I don't know how to help her, or if I even can.
signed x
And then your agony aunt part can say something along the lines of,
I'm sorry to hear that your friend's breasts hurt and it's worrying her. It could be something as bad as cancer, or something as simple as her breasts growing. Breasts sometimes hurt for no reason at all, but if it's persisting, I would probably go see a doctor. Suggest that gently, so as to not worry her more. They can run all sorts of tests to make sure she's okay. And she can look up self-breast exams online, they're very simple and take barely any time at all. Young women need to take care of themselves and to know what's going on in your body is one way to make sure you stay healthy for a long time. As her best friend, I'd suggest you be sure to support her in her going to the doctor, it can be a bit frightening, considering how little they teach people today about their bodies. Try to talk to her about it, and be as encouraging as you can. She's not going to die, she's most likely going to be fine. It'll be alright, dear. Take care!