which items on the list are primary sources a historian would use to understand why egyptian citizens participated in the political revolution that occurred in egypt in 2011


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. I and IV."

I. A letter written by a participant in the revolution
II. An article written by an American considering causes for the revolution
III. A historical text written about Middle Eastern revolutions over time
IV. A photograph of political protests during the revolution

A. I, III, and IV B. III only C. II and IV D. I and IV

Answer 2


I and lll

This was the right answer for me.

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i took the test

What role should the government have in enforcing equal rights for Americans?


involving civil rights violations and discrimination, one of your options is to file a complaint with the government at the federal or state level, and allow a government agency to take steps to enforce your civil rights. Filing a complaint will usually trigger an investigation into your claims by the agency, and depending on the specifics of your case, the government may take further action on your behalf (i.e. ordering mandatory mediation of the dispute, or charging the offending party in court).

For some types of cases, a claim must be filed with the government before any private lawsuit may be pursued (more on this below). And keep in mind that in most instances involving civil rights violation or discrimination complaints and the government, complaints and claims must be filed within a certain amount of time after the alleged violation.

What problems threatened the peace after world War 1?


Harsh Treaty of Versailles, massive war debt, and a weak League of Nations

The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh toward the losing side in particular Germany. The harshness of the treaty caused nationalistic reactions leading to military buildup and extreme leaders to take control.

Massive debt in Europe led to depression in Europe and eventually in the US. The depression made economies stop dead in their tracks and caused hyperinflation in Germany as well as weak currency. These conditions also contributed extreme leaders.

Lastly, the construction of the League of Nations provided weak leadership when countries became aggressive. The US refused to join despite being the architect of the organization. In addition, the countries turned to appeasement instead of addressing the aggressors.

Post-World War 1, threats to peace emerged from territorial disputes, economic instability, political tensions, nationalism, and unresolved issues from theTreaty of Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, was a peace treaty that officially ended World War I and imposed several conditions on Germany. It placed blame on Germany for the war, demanded substantial reparations, territorial adjustments, disarmament, and other punitive measures.

The treaty significantly weakened Germany economically and politically, leading to resentment and contributing to the rise of extremism.

Many historians argue that the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds for future conflicts, such as World War II, as it created a sense of injustice and discontent among the German population and undermined stability in Europe.

Learn more about Treaty of Versailles here:
