The 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870, five years after the Civil War had ended. This amendment allowed the newly freed slaves to


Answer 1
Answer: The 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

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The whiskey rebellion occurred because farmers in the areas such as western Pennsylvania were angry. What was the most direct cause of their anger?


The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in 1791 during thepresidency of George Washington. It is also known today as the WhiskeyInsurrections. This “whiskey tax” was actually the first tax that thegovernment of America imposed on a domestic product. It angered the farmersbecause in these regions, whiskey was also used as a medium of exchange ofgoods. It was formed by the federal government and eventually became a law in1791. The goal was to generate revenue to help reduce national debt and wasapplied to all distilled spirits. Whiskey back then was the most famousdistilled beverage in the US and the excise tax that was added to it was knownto have greatly contributed to funding the war debt during the AmericanRevolutionary War. 

President Monroe's words would help to propel the United States to War over 70 years later in


I believe the answer is: the Spanish-American War.

President monroe has always been an outspoken anti colinialist that condemn what the europan nations did towarh north american, African, and Asian citizens. 
Monroe's doctrine influence the Spanish-American War that initiated to helped south american countries in obtaining their freedom from Spanish's colonialism.
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "President Monroe's words would help to propel the United States to War over 70 years later in Spanish-American war of 1899." USA proposed a non-involvement to the European matters in exchange of not to spread colonial interest into Americas.

Why do you think many people are willing to face hardships during the war?


If people believe what their country is fighting for, such as freedom from tyranny, independence and equality for all, liberating the oppressed, etc., then they are willing to make sacrifices to help others. During the World Wars, people gave up many things here in the States so they could send more support to their family and friends who were serving in the war. They wanted them to have the best. It wasn't always convenient or comfortable but it was their contribution to the troops. Unfortunately, in some countries, people suffer hardships more because they have no voice or choice in the matter. They suffer because they hope one day, if they hang on long enough, that things will get better. The will to survive is a strong thing.
they would believe in what their country is fighting for. maybe it is rights, freedom, safety. no matter what our veterans went in because they what to help our country. I think everyone should think them if they Geffen a chance.

Which note-taking method is best for Karob and Brann to use in their review classes






other person iz corects lolz


Why did the French and the Dutch set up colonies


The Dutch set up a colony in order to profit from the fur trade.
The French and the Dutch set up colonies; because they both wanted to make a profit from the colonies; they set up. For example, one reason they set the colonies, is to make a profit out of trading.