Why is it important to understand if an organization is based on a centralized or decentralized organizational structure?


Answer 1
Answer: mostly because you need to understand the chain of command.
In a centralized organization, the decision making process fall to the hands of a very few people (in some case, it even can fall to one person) , which mean all level of managers can't move freely without the decision maker approval.
In a Decentralized organization, all different managers from different divisions have the authority to make decision

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0.044 seconds


Parameters given:

Length of nerve cell = 1.2m

Nerve impulse speed = 27m/s

Speed is given as:

Speed = distance/time

Therefore, we can make time the subject of the formula. We have:

Time = distance/speed

Hence, time taken for the nerve cell to travel this distance is:

Time = 1.2 / 27

Time = 0.044 seconds

It takes 0.044 seconds for the nerve signal to travel the distance of the nerve connecting the spinal cord to the feet.

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The answer is solar flare ; an eruption of high - energy radiation from the sun.

Answer: Solar Flares


While skateboarding at 19 km/h, Alana throws a tennis ball at 11 km/h to her friend Oliver. If Alana is the reference frame, the speed of the tennis ball is


Well, you see, I don't think Alana really is the reference frame. 
Call me paranoid, but I think you changed the reference frame
during the question, and didn't tell us.

In which reference frame is the 19 km/hr measured ?
It CAN'T be Alana's reference frame.  Your own reference
frame moves along with you, and you can't move in it, even
if your name is Alana.

If Alana is the reference frame, and she throws the tennis ball
at 11 km/hr, then the speed of the ball is 11 km/hr in Alana's
reference frame.  Her reference frame moves with  her, so
it makes no difference how fast she is skateboarding in any
other reference frame, who she throws the ball at, or whether
or not he sees it coming and catches it.

Yes, this stuff can get confusing.  And if you think it's bad now,
wait till you start reading some of Prof. Einstein's stuff, where
two people in the same reference frame can watch the same
tennis ball, and not even agree on how fast it's moving, because
THEY're both moving and their own motion makes their rulers
and clocks change !  So they measure different speeds, and
they're both right !

But I got distracted.  I'm sorry.  The point I'm trying to make,
right now when you're just starting to learn reference frames,
is that EVERY time you say a speed, you have to tell which
reference frame the speed is in.  Because, as you're starting
to learn, the same object can have a different speed in every
reference frame.

And, just in case you're thinking about this later today
and you want to ask "Which one is the REAL speed  ?" . . .
THAT's the whole point of learning about reference frames !
There is NO SUCH THING as REAL speed.  It ALWAYS
depends on which reference frame it's measured in.  They're
all different, they're all real, and they're all correct.

The first thing we must do for this case is to define a frame of reference.

We know that, the frame of reference for this case is Alana.

Therefore, the tennis ball has a speed relative to Alana.

The speed relative to Alana, is the same speed with which Alana throws the tennis ball.

Therefore, the speed of the tennis ball is:

v = 11 Km/h


The speed of the tennis ball is:

v = 11 Km/h

How do you solve this question. I found the first part but don't know how to find distance


Why don't you try using the following kinematics formula

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad

Then solve for d, distance.

The distance it traveled during that time is

                 (average speed) x (length of time) .

The average speed is

                 (1/2) (starting speed) + (ending speed) .

They gave you the starting speed.
You calculated the ending speed.
So you can calculate the average speed.

They gave you the length of time.
So you can calculate the distance.

1) A sound wave with a frequency of 300 hertz is traveling through a medium at a speed of 320 meters/second. What is its wavelength? 2) A sound wave has a wavelength of 0.450 meters. If its speed in cold air is 330 meters/second, what is the wave's frequency?


1. The wavelength is the ratio of the wave's speed to its frequency in hertz or 1/s. This is shown below,
                           λ = s / f = (320 m/s)  / (300 1/s) = 1.07 m
The wavelength is approximately 1.07 m.

2. The frequency is the ratio between speed and the wavelength,
                        f = (330 m/s) / 0.45 m = 733.33 hertz


1. The wavelength is the ratio of the wave's speed to its frequency in hertz or 1/s. This is shown below,

                          λ = s / f = (320 m/s)  / (300 1/s) = 1.07 m

The wavelength is approximately 1.07 m.

2. The frequency is the ratio between speed and the wavelength,

                       f = (330 m/s) / 0.45 m = 733.33 hertz