Bears and coyotes both consume large plant-eating mammals such as deer. When the deer are in short supply, bears andcoyotes may fight over the prey. This type of biological interaction is called a. Commensalism c. mutualism b. Competition d. rumination


Answer 1

The answer is competition.

Competition is an interaction between members of the same species or between different species. If resources, such as food, water, sunlight, territory, are limited and several species depend on these resources, then, they must compete with other species to gain the resources. In this example, bears and coyotes depend on deer and when deer population is reduced, bears and coyotes must compete in order to survive.

Answer 2


Its competition


Bears and coyotes will fight over the deer if the deer are in short supply so they won't have much deer to consume

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The Myrtle Warbler and the Audubon's warbler used to be considered two separate species. However, pieces of evidence warrants a reclassification of Eastern and Western forms of a single species. The reason for the reclassification is the two forms interbreed successfully where their habitats overlap. The correct answer is A. 


Option A, The two forms interbreed successfully where their habitats overlap


The two species of warbler i.e myrtle warbler and Audubon's warbler are capable enough to interbreed when their  habitat overlap by maintaining postzygotic selection against hybrids.

These two warblers do not interbreed freely but they do so on routine basis in a narrow zone  at the northern edge of the Audubon form’s range in western Canada to hybridize

Hence option A is correct

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