What was the total area of British colonies in 1913?


Answer 1

The total area of British colonies in 1913 was the covered approximately 35.5 million km² (13.7 million square miles).

Around 458 million people—roughly one-fourth of the world's population—lived under the rule of the British Empire by 1913. It encompassed 36.6 million km2 (14.2 million square miles), or roughly one-fourth of the whole terrestrial surface of the planet.

At that time, there were Britishcolonies on several continents, including Africa, Asia, and the Americas. It's vital to remember that each colony had a different size, and that the total area includes all the areas that were ruled by the British.

The colonies, protectorates, mandates, dominions, and other nations that were governed or administered by the United Kingdom and its forbearer states made up the British Empire.

As a result, the significance of the total area of British colonies in 1913 are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on British colonies, here:



Answer 2
Answer: about 470,693 square miles (1.22 million km²)

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Answer:  B) Saddam Hussein and his regime survived the war.

Your choices included reference to President George H.W. Bush -- whose funeral happened on the morning of the day I'm writing this answer.  If the war you are examining was in the time of George H.W. Bush, that means the war against Iraq that you're referencing is the Gulf War of 1991.  The United States led a UN coalition of forces to push the forces of Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait after he had invaded that neighboring country.  But the US and UN mission limited itself to pushing Hussein's forces back into Iraq, not seeking to remove him from power in Iraq itself at that time.

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