One driver of the economy of Russia is its _______, many of which is exported.


Answer 1
Answer: I was hoping that some options would be given for choosing the right answer. As there are no options given, so it has to be answered from research or knowledge. I hope the answer comes to your help. One driver of the economy of Russia is its energy, many of which is exported. Russia actually accounts for 12 percent of the global energy output.

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Final answer:

The plebeians, once considered Rome's lower class, slowly amassed power in the Roman Republic through political changes and reforms, including the establishment of the Council of Plebs, the creation of the Twelve Tables of law, and securing the right to stand for the office of consul.


The plebeians, originally Rome’s general populace, gradually gained power in Ancient Rome's republic through a series of political and social changes. One notable change was the establishment of the 'Council of the Plebs' around 494 BC. This was a result of a 'plebeian strike' where they refused to serve in the military until they were given political representation. The Council held legislative authority and had the power to pass laws that applied not just to the plebeians, but to all Romans.

Another significant development involved the creation of the 'Twelve Tables' around 450 BC. These were written laws that laid out legal rights and responsibilities for all Romans, thereby reducing patrician control over legal interpretation. Furthermore, plebeians gained the right to stand for the office of consul, the highest position in the Roman Republic, through the 'Lex Licinia Sextia' in 367 BC.

Thus, plebeians increased their power in the republic by securing political representation, legislating laws, gaining legal transparency, and securing the ability to occupy the highest political office. These changes reflect the plebeians' struggle to achieve social equality and justice against the ruling patrician class.

Learn more about Plebeian Rise in Power here:


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