Which of the following statements is FALSE?a. Many literary devices found in drama, novels, and short stories can also be found in poetry.
b. Juxtaposition attaches human characteristics to objects.
c. A symbol can represent a philosophy, idea, thought, or emotion.
d. Metaphors are often used to describe symbols.


Answer 1

From the choices provided, the false statement is:

b. Juxtaposition attaches human characteristics to objects.

Juxtaposition only compares human characteristics with each other in order to create contrast and comparisons for an effectual rhetorical effect. It is also used to illustrate the development of the characters.

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Read the two passages below. One is from a Native American text and the other is from the Enlightenment period. Then, answer the question that follows. Passage A: from "Imagination" by Phillis Wheatley Imagination! who can sing thy force? Or who describe the swiftness of thy course? Soaring through air to find the bright abode1, Th' empyreal2 palace of the thund'ring God, We on thy pinions can surpass the wind, And leave the rolling universe behind: From star to star the mental optics3 rove, Measure the skies, and range the realms above. There in one view we grasp the mighty whole, Or with new worlds amaze th' unbounded soul. Though Winter frowns to Fancy's raptur'd4 eyes The fields may flourish, and gay scenes arise; The frozen deeps may break their iron bands, And bid their waters murmur o'er the sands. 1home 2imperial; kingly 3eyes 4joy Passage B: "How the Milky Way Came to Be:" a Native American legend Long ago when the world was young, there were not many stars in the sky. In those days the people depended on corn for their food. Dried corn could be made into corn meal by placing it inside a large hollowed stump and pounding it with a long wooden pestle. The cornmeal was stored in large baskets. During the winter, the ground meal could be made into bread and mush. One morning an old man and his wife went to their storage basket for some cornmeal. They discovered that someone or something had gotten into the cornmeal during the night. This upset them very much for no one in a Cherokee village stole from someone else. Then they noticed that the cornmeal was scattered over the ground. In the middle of the spilt meal were giant dog prints. These dog prints were so large that the elderly couple knew this was no ordinary dog. They immediately alerted the people of the village. It was decided that this must be a spirit dog from another world. The people did not want the spirit dog coming to their village. They decided to get rid of the dog by frightening it so bad it would never return. They gathered their drums and turtle shell rattles and later that night they hid around the area where the cornmeal was kept. Late into the night they heard a whirring sound like many bird wings. They look up to see the form of a giant dog swooping down from the sky. It landed near the basket and then began to eat great mouthfuls of cornmeal. Suddenly the people jumped up beating and shaking their noise makers. The noise was so loud it sounded like thunder. The giant dog turned and began to run down the path. The people chased after him making the loudest noises they could. It ran to the top of a hill and leaped into the sky, the cornmeal spilling out the sides of its mouth. The giant dog ran across the black night sky until it disappeared from sight. But the cornmeal that had spilled from its mouth made a path way across the sky. Each gain of cornmeal became a star. What is the common purpose of both passages? to persuade to explain to entertain to inform



To explain


The first passage explains how the imagination works in our mind, making us reach admirable thoughts and without any limit. In addition, it explains how the imagination is unstoppable, unlimited and allows us a powerful vision of any concept.

The second passage explains how it was possible for the night sky to become full of stars, through a Cherokee legend, which shows how this happened.

Thus, we can say that the primary intention of the two texts is to explain.


Which line from "I'm Nobody, Who Are You?" by Emily Dickinson contains a simile?



"How public, like a frog."


Im nobody


Because its comparing its self to nothing

What should you remember when makin an outline based from the grouping of ideas?


Things to remember when grouping ideas into an outline:

1. Have a theme or thesis that will guide the organization of your ideas.  If you try to include everything that might be said about a subject, your project will be too broad and might provide too much random information.  Find a focus -- a theme you want to show or a thesis you intend to defend and demonstrate.

2.  Have a coherent pattern in how you organize your ideas.  There could be more than one sort of pattern -- maybe a chronological flow, maybe biggest concepts first, followed by smaller supporting points.  But look for links between your points.  What will be the transitions from each point to the next as you write?

3. Keep your audience in mind.  Remember that you're presenting your work to others, and seek to include material and arrange material in ways that will reach the intended audience.  You wouldn't include a high amount of technical detail on military aircraft specifications, for instance, in writing a report for non-military people about how a particular battle was a turning point in a war. 
When making an outline, grouping ideas is important. You should remember that when grouping ideas, the ideas should have coordination. Group the ideas according to their relevance and the information as well. This way, your outline will be more organized. 

You should cautiously approach (your, you’re) pet if (she, her) is a new parent.


your pet if she is a new parent




Soccer is the most popular sport in the United States. T f


It could be true, or false, depending on the persons view, but if you look it up online then I don't think soccer would be the most popular sport in the US. So id say false

Which sentence uses negatives correctly? A.We didn't even realize that today is Saturday.

B.You shouldn't never leave your wallet in the car.

C.That restaurant never has no tables available.

D.I can't find no one to come with me to the store.


The sentence which uses negatives correctly is:

A.We didn't even realize that today is Saturday.

In this sentence, only one negative word is used: not. Sometimes the use of double negatives such as the in the remaining choices above are used in literary pieces but they are grammatically incorrect.