How did life change for women during World war 2?


Answer 1


Women started joining the military and working in other typical male roles

Answer 2


They had more responsibilities.


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Before 1913 and the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators were elected by state legislatures. Who has the power to elect Senators today?


Before 1913 and the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators were elected by state legislatures. The power to elect Senators today is vested in the hands of Voters.

Further Explanations:

The 17th amendment passed in 1913 changed the status of the election of senator form indirect to direct overruling the status of article 1, Clause 1 and 2 the constitution authorizing the inhabitant to decide the person to be chosen for the post. the motive behind the implementation of the law was to ensure the equal representation of each State in the Legislation.

The legislative body of America also called the United States legislature is formally known as State legislature in 25 states and in the other 19 states, it is known as “General Assembly”. In regard to the composition and division of the legislative body, it is a bicameral legislature, with two houses of legislation. The Upper House or “Senate” consists less adherents as equated to the Lower House. Senator workouts the special power to extol the selections and impeachment of the governor. Since 1913 the senators were designated by the State legislature but after implementation of the 17th amendment act, the authority to elect senators was shifted into the hands of electors of the realm.

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  2. What was the charge of the 1807 indictment by the man who was chosen as vice president on February 17, 1801, by the House of Representatives after thirty-six ballots?
  3. Under the articles of confederation, if Virginia had ten thousand citizens and Delaware had five thousand citizens, how many votes would each state have in the legislature?

Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Senate

Keywords: legislative body, United States legislature, State legislature, General Assembly, bicameral legislature, Upper House, governor, legislature, 17th amendment, article 1, Clause 1 and 2

Final answer:

Today, U.S. Senators are elected directly by the voters of each state. This method of election was established by the 17th Amendment in 1913, which signified a shift from the previous system where Senators were elected by state legislatures.


Today, under the terms of the 17th Amendment, U.S. Senators are elected directly by the voters of each state. This amendment was adopted in 1913, and marked a significant change in the method of electing Senators. Before its passage, Senators were elected by state legislatures, a system that placed a greater emphasis on the federal nature of the United States government. Now, an election is held in each state for one of its two Senator positions every two years, ensuring that every state has a representative in the Senate who has been selected by the people of that state.

Learn more about 17th Amendment here:


List three states that do not have ports on the atlantic ocean


Iowa, California, Montanna

Which statements accurately describe the Persian Wars?Choose all answers that are correct.


Athens decisively defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon.


The end of the wars brought a golden age to Athens.


Persia attacked Greece after Athens supported a rebellion by Greek colonists.


The Persian armies defeated the Greeks at Salamis.


The Greek city-states were unable to unite against Xerxes' armies.


Athens decisively defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon and Persia attacked Greece after Athens supported a rebellion by Greek colonists are the two statements which accurately describe the Persian Wars. Option (a) and (c) are correct.

What do you mean by War?

War is commonly understood to be an aggressive confrontation between states or countries. Various factors can cause nations to go to war.

War is commonly understood to be an aggressive confrontation between states or countries. Various factors can cause nations to go to war. It has been stated that a country will go to war if it believes the advantages of war exceed the disadvantages and if there is no alternative likely, amicable option.

Mass city damage and long-lasting consequences on a nation's economy are also effects of conflict. On public health services, social order, and infrastructure, armed war has significant indirect negative effects. These unintended repercussions are frequently disregarded and undervalued.

Therefore, Option (a) and (c) are correct. Athens decisively defeated the Persians at the Battle of Marathon and Persia attacked Greece after Athens supported a rebellion by Greek colonists.

Learn more about War, here;


C and A Because on A Persia did lose on C it was called the first attack on Persia. I don't think D is one because the Greeks won that battle.

Which statement accurately describes events at the end of World War II? A.
Germany became a united country with a command economy under a communist government.

The Soviet Union kept troops in Western Europe after the war and installed a communist government in France.

The United States spent millions to rebuild the economies of its enemies as well as its allies.

Japan surrendered before the United States could drop an atomic bomb on one of its cities.





NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What problems did Roosevelt have to face during his first term as president? How did he respond to those problems?




FDR's mandate as a first-term President was clear and challenging: rescue the United States from the throes of its worst depression in history. Economic conditions had deteriorated in the four months between FDR's election and his inauguration. Unemployment grew to over twenty-five percent of the nation's workforce, with more than twelve million Americans out of work. A new wave of bank failures hit in February 1933. Upon accepting the Democratic nomination, FDR had promised a "New Deal" to help America out of the Depression, though the meaning of that program was far from clear.

In trying to make sense of FDR's domestic policies, historians and political scientists have referred to a "First New Deal," which lasted from 1933 to 1935, and a "Second New Deal," which stretched from 1935 to 1938. (Some scholars believe that a "Third New Deal" began in 1937 but never took root; the descriptor, likewise, has never gained significant currency.) These terms, it should be remembered, are the creations of scholars trying to impose order and organization on the Roosevelt administration's often chaotic, confusing, and contradictory attempts to combat the depression; Roosevelt himself never used them. The idea of a "first "and "second" New Deal is useful insofar as it reflects important shifts in the Roosevelt administration's approach to the nation's economic and social woes. But the boundaries between the first and second New Deals should be viewed as porous rather than concrete. In other words, significant continuities existed between the first and second New Deals that should not be overlooked.

One thing is clear: the New Deal was, and remains, difficult to categorize. Even a member of FDR's administration, the committed New Dealer Alvin Hansen, admitted in 1940 that "I really do not know what the basic principle of the New Deal is." Part of this mystery came from the President himself, whose political sensibilities were difficult to measure. Roosevelt certainly believed in the premises of American capitalism, but he also saw that American capitalism circa 1932 required reform in order to survive. How much, and what kind of, reform was still up in the air. Upon entering the Oval Office, FDR was neither a die-hard liberal nor a conservative, and the policies he enacted during his first term sometimes reflected contradictory ideological sources.

This ideological and political incoherence shrank in significance however, next to what former Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes described as a "first class temperament," exemplified by the President's optimism, self-confidence, pragmatism, and flexibility. Above all, FDR was an optimist, offering hope to millions of Americans who had none. His extreme self-confidence buoyed an American public unsure of the future or even present course. This intoxicating mix made FDR appear the paragon of leadership, a father-figure who reassured a desperate nation in his inaugural address that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." FDR also brought to the White House a pragmatic approach to governance. He claimed he would try something to end the depression, and if it worked he would move on to the next problem. If it failed, he would assess the failure and try something else.

Why were blockade runners important to Georgia during the Civil War?A)They were able to move troops efficiently.

B)They brought needed supplies into the state.

C)They were able to battle the Union navy successfully.

D)They were vital to the protection of Savannah and other ports.


The answer is B! The blockade runners in the war were of great use to Georgia because they were a huge help bringing supplies into the stage successfully.