______ knowledge is based on logical thought.



Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer above is Rational. Rational knowledge is based on logical thought. From the word rational, it means that the idea must be logical, reasoned, sensible, and judicious. The knowledge must be based on a reasonable thought and can be justified correctly.

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Answer: Third-person omniscient

The third-person omniscient is a point of view in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. It is different from the third-person limited because it can focus on all the characters, as opposed to only the main one. In this case, the author is discussing both Adam Forrester and Lilias Fay, and he is providing descriptions of both the characters personalities and feelings.


The narrative point of view used in the given excerpt is "Third Person Omniscient."


Narrative point of view is the vantage point that the author use in his writing the speak to his reader through a narrator and not directly.

A "Third person omniscient" point of view is a stand point in which the narrator is featured like god. Such type of narrators can enter into the minds and action of the characters in the story. That is the reason this narrative point of view is called "omniscient" because they know everything and have unlimited knowledge and insight of the characters and the story.

And in the given excerpt we can clearly see the narrator having much knowledge about the happenings of the story. He is omniscient. And hence, "Third person omniscient" narrative point of view.

In "Charles," why is Laurie's mother so eager to go to the P.T.A. meeting? a. She wants to spend some time with Charles.
b. She wants to apologize to Laurie's teacher for her son's behavior.
c. She wants to see if Laurie can be moved into a different class.
d. She wants to find Charles's mother and talk to her.


c she wants to see if she can be moved into a diff classroom


. She wants to see if Laurie can be moved into a different class.


Which personal pronoun correctly completes the sentence? What is its use? Even though the Millers knew it would erupt, Old Faithful's geyser surprised ___________ every time.

they; indirect object

they; direct object

them; direct object

them; indirect object


C. them; direct object because they are the ones being surprised

In "Charles," why is Laurie's mother so eager to go to the P.T.A. meeting?a. She wants to apologize to Laurie's teacher for her son's behavior.
b. She wants to spend some time with Charles.
c. She wants to see if Laurie can be moved into a different class.
d. She wants to find Charles's mother and talk to her.


Im pretty sure its D
The answer is D. She wants to find charles's mother and talk to her 

What is the poem “regrets only” about


Sixty-three poets from the United States, Europe and Australia contemplate the could-have-beens, should-have-beens, squandered chances, near misses, lost loves, shames and sorrows of regret. With rare insight, tenderness, courage and humor these poems invite us into the richness of lives lived fully.

In "The Battle of Blenheim," Old Kaspar's tone is: excited.


The best answer would be excited. Old Kaspar's tone is excited. He was excited to tell to his grandchildren the story of the Battle of Blenheim.  He sees how interested and enthusiastic the children are and this made him happy to tell the story.


can you help me with this.
