Which of these means elegant literature? A. ga B. zoku C. kigo D. haikai


Answer 1
Answer: Ga – GAH (J: elegant or elegance) The highest form of any art in opposition to zoku. Art designated as ga was considered not only the highest but also official as recognized by society. At first, the term was only applied to works written in Chinese, especially waka, but later works written in Japanese also obtained this status. As suffix (renga) and prefix (gagaku) ga was also written as ka as in tanka and waka. At the time Basho was alive his work, called haikai no renga was not considered to be ga, but he worked to elevate it to this status by his use of the term fûga.

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Good Morning

Answer : D

I could see the entire city from the top deck of the Eiffel Tower

I hope that's help !


Happy Sunday :)

Select the correct answer.What is the main idea of this excerpt of Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address?

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil-war. All dreaded it — all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war — seeking to dissolve the Union, and divide effects, by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.

Both the Union and the Confederacy wanted to destroy their enemy.
Both the Union and the Confederacy were responsible for the Civil War.
Both the Union and the Confederacy desired total authority by eliminating the other.
Both the Union and the Confederacy suffered huge economic losses due to the Civil War.
Both the Union and the Confederacy had stockpiled deadly weapons for the Civil War.


The answer should be B


The answer is b


Why is the image of the setting sun most likely not described in great detail in "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"?



It is a common symbol of death that requires little description.


The image of the setting sun is the symbol of the approaching death or the end of life. The poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" is the poem that builds a positive image of death. Death has been personified to be a driver who was very polite and humble to the poet. It has shown its purest and simplest attitude when it arrived at the house of the poet to take her. It was during the journey that the poet witnesses the setting of the sun indicating the end of her life.

Because the mood created in the poem doesn’t require describing the sunset 

Which pair of terms best describes the female character as depicted in the excerpt?flat character, protagonist

round character, antagonist

flat character, antagonist

round character, protagonist


We don't have the excerpt, so we cannot really answer your question.
I can help you a bit, however, so if you've read the story, you will know how to answer it yourself.
A flat character is the one who doesn't change at all over the course of a novel, whereas a round character develops and changes his or her characteristics.
A protagonist is the hero of a novel, whereas an antagonist is his "enemy."

reviewers start their work by investigating? a. opinion of other artists b. btheir personal reactions or c. qoutatio s about their work? apex


Reviewers start their work by investigating their personal reactions. The personal reactions help a lot in evaluating and investigating for the reason that this would serve as an element to analyze a certain essay/article or content. Looking at their personal reactions would give you a short glimpse of the entire summary of the article/ essay or content. 


Their personal reactions

Which of the below was not a popular genre during the victorian era


postmodern fiction is correct, postmodern was not very popular during the victorian era.

The answer to your question is postmodern fiction