The component which dissolves in a solution is called the.....


Answer 1


A solution consists of two type of substances. These are solute and solvent.

A solvent is defined as the substance present in lesser amount as compared to a solvent. A solute is able to dissolve in a solvent.

For example, sugar dissolves in water. Here, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent.

Combination of both solute and solvent results in the formation of a solution.

Whereas a solvent is a substance that is present in more quantity as compared to a solute.

Thus, we can conclude that the component which dissolves in a solution is called the solute.

Answer 2
Answer: The component which dissolves is called the Solute. It is dissolved by the Solvent.

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Waves move fastest in low-temperature gases. low-temperature solids. high-temperature gases. high-temperature solids.


Answer: Option (d) is the correct answer.


At high temperature, there will be more collision between the molecules as a result more energy will generate. Thus, a wave can move quickly.

In case of solids, the particles are held more closely with each other. Therefore, when temperature is high then solid particles being closer can pass on the energy more quickly as compared to gases.

Thus, we can conclude that waves move fastest in high-temperature solids.

Final answer:

In Physics, waves move fastest in high-temperature solids due to the close proximity of particles which facilitates faster wave transmission and the increased kinetic energy at high temperatures.


In the study of Physics, the speed of sound waves varies depending on the properties of the medium through which they are traveling. Solids have tightly packed particles which facilitate faster wave transmission. Conversely, gases have loosely packed particles which slow down wave travel. Temperature, while affecting speed at some level, doesn't have as significant an influence as the state of matter itself.

Therefore, among the options you provided: low-temperature gases, low-temperature solids, high-temperature gases, and high-temperature solids, waves move fastest in high-temperature solids.

This is due to the increased kinetic energy of the particles in a high-temperature solid as compared to a low-temperature solid; and the closer proximity of particles in a solid as compared to a gas.

Learn more about Wave Speed here:


Which two physical properties allow a mixture to be separated by chromatography 1) solubility and molecular polarity
2) malleability and thermal conductivity
3) density and specific heat capacity
4) hardness and boiling point


Chromatography is an important analytical technique used to separate individual components from a mixture using their polarity difference. Thus option 1 is correct.

What is chromatography ?

Chromatographic technique is used to separate components from a mixture using their polarity and solubility in a solvent. There are different kinds of chromatographic techniques such as paper chromatography, column chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography etc.

All the chromatographic techniques uses the common principle that is the differential distribution of components between mobile phase and stationary phase.

A mobile phase is the movable side in the chromatographic column which brings the solutes to the bottom of the column . Stationary column is stationary and thus the solutes which are more adoured to the stationary side will elute last.

The attachment of solutes to the mobile phase or stationary phase is dependant upon their polarity and solubility in the solvent used. Thus, option 1 is correct.

To find more about chromatography, refer the link below:



                 Option-1 (Solubility and Molecular polarity) is the correct answer.


                        Thin Layer Chromatography is employed to separate a mixture of non volatile compounds. In this technique an adsorbent material like silica gel is coated on a plastic, glass or aluminium sheet. Then the mixture of compounds is applied at the bottom of sheet and the sheet is placed in the container containing a solvent system. It is observed that the solvent starts travelling upward through capillary action.

While the solvent is running the mixture of compounds starts separating from each other. This separation is due to following physical properties.

1) Solubility of Mixture in Solvent:

                                                          In a mixture those compounds which has more solubility in solvent will travel more and will give greater Rf value and the less soluble will left behind with smaller Rf value. Hence due to solubility a mixture of compounds can be separated.

2) Polarity of Molecules:

                                          As the stationary phase (adsorbent material) is polar in nature, so in mixture those compounds which are less polar will less interact with the stationary phase and will travel more with greater Rf value, while, more polar molecules will form stronger interactions with the stationary phase, hence will travel less and therefore, will show smaller Rf values.

The pH of a solution decreases by 2.0. How does the hydronium ion concentration of the solution change? increases to 2 times the original concentration
increases to 100 times the original concentration
decreases to 1/100 of the original concentration
decreases to 1/2 of the original concentration


Answer: The correct answer is 'increases to 100 times the original concentration'.


let the initial pH be x

The original concentration of [H^+] initially present be y


Final concentration of [H^+] when pH reduced by 2 be z


Putting the value of 'x' from (1) into (2) we get :



When pH of a solution decreases by 2.0, hydronium ion concentration of the solution increases to 100 times the original concentration


B, is the answer

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92.2 km + 9426 m =
Help me plz




to convert m into km we have to divide it by,



__CH4 + __S8 ----> __CS2 + __H2SBalance this equation and calculate the mol CS2 produced when 1.50 mol S8 is used.


The new balanced equation would be:
 2 CH4 +  S8 ---->  2 CS2 +  H2S

1.50 mol S8  x   2 mol CS2  =  3 mol CS2
         1                1 mol S8

Final answer:

The balanced chemical equation is CH4 + 4S8 --> CS2 + 4H2S. The moles of CS2 produced from 1.50 mol S8 will be 1.50 mol.


To balance the chemical equation CH4 + S8 --> CS2 + H2S, we'll start by balancing the sulfur atoms. The balanced equation becomes: CH4 + 4S8 --> CS2 + 4H2S. Now, count the carbon and the hydrogen atoms on both sides. These are balanced successfully, and hence the overall equation is balanced.

Now, let us calculate the moles of CS2 produced from 1.50 mol S8. Using stoichiometry, a ratio derived from the balanced equation, we find that 1 mol of S8 produces 1 mol of CS2. So, 1.50 mol S8 will produce 1.50 mol CS2.

Learn more about Balancing Chemical Equations & Stoichiometry here:


One mole of an ideal gas is held at standard conditions. At what Kelvin temperature would the pressure be doubled?


The pressure of the gas will become double when its Kelvin temperature becomes \boxed{{\text{twice}}} its initial value.

Further Explanation:

Ideal gas equation:

Ideal gas is just a theoretical concept and practically no gas can act as ideal. It can be considered as group of random moving particles having perfectly elastic collisions between them.

Ideal gas equation for one mole of gas is mentioned below.

PV = RT                                               …… (1)


P is the gas pressure.

V is the gas volume.

T is the absolute temperature of gas.

R is the universal gas constant.

Standard conditions refer to state when pressure of gas is 1 atm and its temperature is 273 K.

Consider P’ and T’ to be new pressure and temperature respectively while all other terms in ideal gas equation remains constant. Equation (1) then modifies as follows:

P’V = RT’                                               …… (2)

Since new pressure is doubled, P’ becomes 2P. Equation (2) becomes,

(2P)V = RT’                                            …… (3)

Dividing equation (3) by equation (1), we get:

\frac{{\left( {{\text{2P}}} \right){\text{V}}}}{{{\text{PV}}}} = \frac{{{\text{RT'}}}}{{{\text{RT}}}}                                      …… (4)

Solving for T’,

 {\text{T'}} = {\text{2T}}

Therefore pressure is doubled when temperature becomes twice its initial value.

Learn more:

  1. Which statement is true for Boyle’s law?
  2. Calculation of volume of gas:

Answer details:

Grade: Senior School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Ideal gas equation

Keywords: ideal gas equation, R, T, P, V, 2P, 2T, pressure, volume, universal gas constant, P’, T’, standard conditions.

The volume should be kept in constant condition.
Then we go PV=nRT P/T = constant P1/T2 =P2/T1 T2=P1 T1 /P2
and if P2 is equal to 2P1, we have T2=P1T1/2P1=1/2 T1
which means that needed temperature is half of the initial temperature