Fill in the Blanks:You and your sibling, whose name is Leah, go to your favorite store called kuroshitsuji Town (Kuroshitsuji is translates to Black Butler [its Japanese] XD). There she finds a plush to buy, called a Sebby-Chan. She really wants this plush. The plush is labeled $3.99, and so she brings it to the cashier. The cashier tells your sibling, “That will be $4.19.” Your sibling removes four dollar bills from a pocket and then, finding no more money, starts to cry. She turns to you and begins asking questions as you as you walk away from the counter.

“Why was the label wrong? It said $3.99!”

Your respond, “It rang up as $4.19 because of taxes. These are_________________. We pay other types of _________________________ to government such as _________________________.

“Why do we pay them? It seems so unfair! Now I can’t have my plush!”

You respond, “We pay them because ______________. Governments at each level provide _________________________ such as ______________________. It helps the economy because _________________________.

“It doesn’t help me. I shouldn’t have to pay. I’m just a kid.”

You respond, “Even kids benefit. One specific example is _________________________. A way that our family benefits is how _________________________. A way that our community benefits is how _________________________.

“How was I supposed to know all this? I don’t have 19 cents. What do I do now?”

You respond, “What you should do is create your own budget. A budget is _________________________. It lists all your _________________________ and _________________________. When you subtract _________________________ from _________________________, what is left can be a _________________________, _________________________, or it could be _________________________. The reason having a _________________________ is bad is because _________________________.

“Will my budget be anything like the government’s budget?”

You respond, “They have similarities and differences. Some similarities include _________________________. Some differences include _________________________.


Answer 1
Answer: I may know some of the answers but its to much that I cant guess all of them. Sorry!
Answer 2


You and your sibling, whose name is ______    , go to your favorite store called     Walmart.   . There, ______.    finds a toy to buy, called a     nerf gun    . He really wants this toy. The toy is labeled $3.99, and so he brings it to the cashier. The cashier tells your sibling, “That will be $4.19.” Your sibling removes four dollar bills from a pocket and then, finding no more money, starts to cry. He turns to you and begins asking questions as you walk away from the counter.

“Why was the label wrong? It said $3.99!”

You respond, “It rang up as $4.19 because of     taxes    . This is     extra money business have to charge because the government saves the money in a piggy bank like we do, just in case something brakes, they can take money out of the bank to fix it. Things like roads and buildings.    . We pay other types of     taxes     to the government such as     federal state and local taxes    

“Why do we pay them? It seems so unfair! Now I can’t have my toy!”

You respond, “We pay them because     it’s the law    Governments at each level provide us with different things such as roads, food for us to but It helps the economy because where would the government get their money, so they can buy things for us to buy

“It doesn’t help me. I shouldn’t have to pay. I’m just a kid.”

You respond, “Even kids benefit. One specific example is getting free vaccines. A way that our family benefits is how we get to pay only less after being hospitalized. A way that our community benefits is how we get new school buildings.

“How was I supposed to know all this? I don’t have 19 cents. What do I do now?”

You respond, “What you should do is create your own budget. A budget how you plan to spend your money. It lists all your income and expenses. When you subtract expenses from income

. what is left can be spent how you please , on things you don't really need or it could be an emergency fund. The reason having a budget is bad is because you can't spend all of your money that you would like to.  

“Will my budget be anything like the government’s budget?”

You respond, “They have similarities and differences. Some similarities include paying for transportation. Some differences include  the governments highest priority is social security, while personal budgets do not include that.  

( hope this helps!!! the stuff in bold is what gose in the blanks. <3

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60 percent is the answer otherwise try 50

Why is minimum wage above equilibrium?A) Minimum wage is a price floor with a surplus of job seekers.
B) Minimum wage is a price floor with a shortage of job seekers.
C) Minimum wage is a price ceiling with a surplus of job seekers.
D) Minimum wage is a price ceiling with a shortage of job seekers.



A) Minimum wage is a price floor with a surplus of job seekers.


The minimum wage is the lowest wage a company can pay for an employee.

It is established by law and is reassessed every year based on the cost of living of the population, its creation was made based on the minimum amount that a person spends to guarantee their survival.

In addition, it is said that the minimum wage is above the market's level of equilibrium in relation to a possible excess of employability. More concisely, we can say that the minimum wage is above balance because the minimum wage is a price floor with a surplus of job seekers.

Answer: The correct answer is A


Why should you plan your career



Career Planning Helps Us Grow


Having a realistic career plan in place is often an essential part of our personal growth and development. Without goals to strive for, most people find it difficult to stray from the easy norm or to gain skills which make them a more valuable commodity in the business world

which of the following is one importany difference between a general partnership and a limited partnership?​



The difference is that in a general partnership every partner is fully responsible for the business's debts.


  • The business arrangement where at least two people are proprietor of a business is called general partnership.
  • Every partner has equal power in general partnership.
  • A limited partnership is different from a general partnership in that it requires a partnership agreement.
  • A limited partnership has the provision of limited and general partners
  • A limited partner does not have the power to operate the business.They are the investors.
  • The general partners have the jurisdiction to run the business.

Imagine that you own a very successful business. You're happy because it is just right for you. Tell us all about the business you'd like to have. There’s a lot to say, so dive in! If you're not exactly sure where to begin, start with these questions: what kind of business is it... large or small? Where is it located? What’s the hardest part about owning this business? Why do you love it anyway? What makes your business so successful?


Answer: I got you


Business: Seafood restaurant by the beach, large with seats with beach view.

Location: Miami, FL

Hardest Part: Lots of information to comprehend in a day + Feedback from customers

Why you love?: Nice location, calming ocean

Successful: Themed for area (seafood by the beach)

*Name of business: "By the Bay"

You're welcome.


Person above is correct, I just took the test.

Ben is in charge of launching a game for gaming platforms, and he wants to use social media to spread the word.


Soo? What do u need help with use Instagram or Twitter!
go ahead and use Twitter, Ben