Election crisis of the 1800 in the USA?


Answer 1
Answer: This "election crisis" took place between no one other than, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

Thomas Jefferson thought that if John Adams won..it would ruin the nation...and vice versa.

In the end we had Thomas Jefferson as our 3rd United States President.

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The Warren Court made decisions regarding segregation and civil liberties. The most famous court decision was Brown v. Board of Education which ended school segregation in America and began a wave of desegregation decisions. These decisions created uproar in the South and cause military intervention at times. Miranda v. Arizona was another famous Warren Court decision which better defined the Fifth Amendment and how a person must be informed on their rights when arrested. These cases were often racial in nature redefining civil liberties and due process of the law.Yes the Warren Court did exceed its boundaries in issuing some of its decisions during the 1960s. For example the court gave its decision regarding women suffrage and it was not taken well by many women of that time. Many women were forced to suffer the consequences of the decision given by the Warren Court in regards to women's suffrage.The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was a joint resolution which the United States Congress passed on August 7, 1964. It gave power to the president to use conventional military force without declaration of war. It basically gave more power to the president then checks and balances allow. In this case for the given question let us assume that it was the executive branch that had taken fore step and became more powerful. If such had happened the power resting upon the head of the society or the president would increase and the chances of being mistake in due to the presence of human emotions and flaws would come into action.  The decisions taken by the agencies would be biased and hence the laws that would be made would not necessarily benefits the society. When the US Constitution was written, the States feared a strong Federal Government. Because of the three branches system the US Constitution created a new system that revolutionized Constitutions around the world: the Checks and Balances system.  The Checks and Balances system is a system that the US Constitution created to give powers to each of those three branches to limit the power of the other branch. Each branch has typical and atypical powers, and those atypical powers are the ones that are used to limit the typical powers of other branches.  Because of that, if any of the three branches exceeds its authority the other branches have the power to stop this power and return the thing to status quo ante.  Example of this atypical powers is: The Power of Veto the President has, the Impeachment Power of the Congress and Power the judicial branch has to declare a law unconstitutional.  As you can notice, the Constitution created a system that autoregulates itself so that power and democracy are stable. The Warren Court has caused social change but one thing that the warren court has impacted positivily is that it broadened the individual rights of accused criminals. yes there is ups and downs to the warren court and it was a big thing in the 19th century but remembering on how of a impact it was has gave us importance today because any case that had segregation and enough evidence was presented, then a law for segregation would be unconstitutional.


By the time american troops entered world War 1 the allies a. WeRE determined to win war b. WeRE using trench warfare c. Were exhausted after years of fighting d. Were pr er prepared to attack germany


By the time American troops entered World War 1 the Allies were exhausted after years of fighting. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "c". The entry of Americans in the war boosted the morale of the Allied army. I hope the answer comes to your help.

Correct answer choice is:

C. Were exhausted after years of fighting.


The alliance lost the war as a result of they were exhausted, whereas the Allies still had fight left in them. However, the Germans were conjointly defeated on the battleground, that is that the dirty very little secret that is been unbroken out of the common historical narrative. The Germans organized their huge, final last-chance offensive to undertake and win the war before the American troopers entered into the front lines.

Which of these writing systems was developed in ancient Egypt?A.) hieroglyphics
B.) cuneiform
C.) oracle bone characters
D.) cursive


Hieroglyphics is the answer

Why did explorers seek the Northwest passage?


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Which types of societies have wealth and large food reserves?hunting and gathering societies
horticultural societies
fishing societies
pastoral societies


The answer would be : Fishing Society .Since 70 % of the world were surrounded by water, Fishing societies have a very large food of reserves and unlike agricultural products, Fishes do not die during the fall and winter which bring more wealth to the societies. 


The Correct Answer is "fishing societies"


Fishing societies is important and one of the largest wealth and food reserves of the world, the importance of fishing societies is such as:

  • The export and import of fish can contribute to the country's economy.
  • Fish waste can be made into Fertilizers, oil and fodder and glue.
  • Fishing Industry creates jobs for people such as Shipbuilding, Boat repairing, Making and repairing net, marketing of fish and making food from Fish.

The federal budget is a record of the nations


It's a record of nations' maximum financial expenditure. The Federal budget may vary for each states according to their capabilities in earning states income, but all of them are required by law to keep their states expenditure lower then their income.