"What creature walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night?” is an example of who's riddle?


Answer 1

Answer: The Riddle of the Great Sphinx

Explanation: As per the greek legend, there was a Sphinx eating people who could not answer the riddle correctly: "What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?". The answer to it is "the man" because when he is a baby he would crawl on all fours, then when the man learns how to walk he does it on two legs and finally on three when the man is old and needs a cane to walk. The hero Oedipus answered correctly and the Sphinx was killed.

Answer 2
Answer: The Riddle Of Sphinx.

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This invasion supposed the implementation of the expansionist ideology that had been developing in Japan since the victory in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.

By defeating tsarist Russia in 1905, Japan began to acquire the condition of great power, which endorsed staying with a good part of the Asian colonies of Germany at the end of the First World War.

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hope it helps

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The Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling against the Britain because the government was not protecting the rights of the citizens, taxing the colonists, and forced them to house British soldiers. In 1756 Britain put the first tax on the colonists.

The Founding Fathers were justified in rebelling against the British government and declaring independence. They believed in the principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance, and they felt that the British government was depriving them of these rights. The oppressive policies, such as taxation without representation, infringed upon their freedoms and stifled their economic growth. The Declaration of Independence articulated their grievances and asserted their right to establish a new nation based on democratic principles. Their courageous actions laid the foundation for the United States of America and inspired future movements for independence and freedom around the world.

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