A visão Renascentista do corpo era:


Answer 1
Foi uma época histórica com temas distintos em aprendizagem , política, literatura, arte, religião , vida social, e música. As mudanças a partir da Idade Média para o Renascimento foram significativos , mas não tão grande como os historiadores que se pensava . desenvolvimentos renascentistas influenciado séculos seguintes , mas não tanto que a Renascença como um todo pode ser chamado de " moderno".

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The sentence is asking a question, therefore it is interrogative. There are four types of sentences that are use in the English language. Declarative sentences make a statement. An interrogative sentence asks a question. Exclamatory sentences show strong emotion (Oh!, Yay!). And the imperative sentence gives a direction or a command.

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How do you appreciate the service of sri krishna devaraya for telugu language



Explanation: Sri Krishna Devaraya's contributions to the Telugu language are highly valued. He patronized Telugu poets and scholars, promoting a flourishing literary culture. His support for local languages in administration, commissioning of "Amarakosha," and emphasis on arts enriched Telugu's heritage. His legacy endures in revered literary works and cultural traditions, making him a significant figure in Telugu language history.

Final answer:

Sri Krishna Devaraya, the ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire, made significant contributions to the growth and development of Telugu language. He was a patron of literature, composed literary works in Telugu, established the Saraswathi Bhandaram library, and encouraged scholars and poets. His reign is considered a golden age for Telugu literature.


Sri Krishna Devaraya's Service for Telugu Language

Sri Krishna Devaraya, the ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire in the 16th century, played a crucial role in the development and promotion of the Telugu language. His service and patronage towards Telugu literature are highly appreciated.

Promotion of Telugu Literature:

Sri Krishna Devaraya himself was a scholar and poet. He composed several literary works in Telugu, showcasing his love for the language. His works, such as 'Amuktamalyada' and 'Rasamanjari,' are considered masterpieces of Telugu literature.

Establishment of Saraswathi Bhandaram:

To further support Telugu literature, Sri Krishna Devaraya established a royal library called the 'Saraswathi Bhandaram.' This library housed numerous manuscripts and books, providing a rich resource for scholars and poets.

Encouragement of Scholars:

Sri Krishna Devaraya invited renowned scholars and poets to his court, creating an environment conducive to intellectual growth. This patronage attracted talented individuals, leading to the flourishing of Telugu literature during his reign.

Golden Age for Telugu Literature:

Sri Krishna Devaraya's reign is often referred to as a golden age for Telugu literature. His support and patronage elevated the status of Telugu as a language and contributed to its growth and development.

Learn more about appreciating the service of sri krishna devaraya for telugu language here:



What realization does Aunt Imogen come to by the end of the poem


I think that Aunt Imogen realized that she likes what she does. I mean that is good to be an aunt for her and she doesn't need more.

In ASL the sentence structure is (time)topic>commentIn this sentence, what would you sign first?

I went to the store yesterday with my mom.


In ASL (American Sign Language), the sentence structure follows the pattern of (time)topic>comment. This means that when signing a sentence, you typically start with the time, followed by the topic, and then the comment.
In the sentence "I went to the store yesterday with my mom," if we apply the ASL sentence structure, we can break it down as follows:
1. Time: "yesterday" - Start by signing the concept of "yesterday." This can be done by signing the day before today, or by pointing backward in space to represent the past.
2. Topic: "I" - Next, sign the concept of "" or "me" to indicate that the sentence is about yourself. This is typically done by pointing to yourself.
3. Comment: "went to the store with my mom" - Finally, sign the comment part of the sentence. This involves signing the verb
"went," followed by the location "store," and indicating that you went there "with my mom!"
Remember to use appropriate facial expressions, body movements, and sign modifications to convey the meaning and nuances of the sentence. ASL relies on visual and gestural communication, so it's important to convey the message clearly and effectively.
Overall, the order of signing the sentence "I went to the store yesterday with my mom" in ASL would be:
1. Sign the concept of "yesterday" to represent the time.
2. Point to yourself to indicate the topic, which is "I" or "me."
3. Sign the verb "went," the location "store," and indicate going there "with my mom" to convey the comment.

Will mark the brainliest
pls answer this question ​





हेलो रमेश ,

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Hope it helped u if yes mark me BRAINLIEST as u said!


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