Which BEST describes the orbit of the Moon around Earth?Select one:
a. circular with a period of about one month
b. circular with a period of about one week
c. elliptical with a period of about one month
d. elliptical with a period of about one week


Answer 1
Answer: The statement that best describes the moon's orbit around the Earth is c. elliptical with a period of about one month. Although its orbit is elliptical, the moon's orbit can be described as nearly circular because it has an eccentricity of 0.05. Moreover, it takes around 27.322 days for it to orbit around the Earth once.

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1. Cells use glucose to make (1 point)energy.proteins.

2. Which of the following is broken down to provide the body with glucose? (1 point)proteins
vegetable oils and animal fats
simple sugars and starches

3. What makes essential fatty acids and essential amino acids different from ones that aren’t essential? (1 point)Essential nutrients are more important than others, so the body needs more of them.
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double bonds.
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1.Cells undergo respiration to produce energy by using glucose.
2. simple sugars and starches contain glucose.
3. Essential nutrients cannot be produced by the body.
4. Your body is to your food.
5. proteins are to amino acids.

What are the raw materials used by green plants for photosynthesis


Plants use water, sunlight and nutrients from the soil during photosynthesis.

Why do erythrocytes swell and burst when placed in water? (A) Since water concentration is higher outside the cell, water moves inward by passive diffusion.
(B) Since hemoglobin concentration is higher inside the cell, hemoglobin moves outward by exocytosis.
(C) Since potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cells, potassium ions move outward by osmosis.
(D) Erythrocytes pump water inward by active transport to balance osmotic gradients.
(E) Water is a universal solvent and simply dissolves the erythrocyte membranes.


There is more sodium inside the cell than outside. There is a saying that "water follows salt". It is found in the case of osmosis and the semipermeable membrane around the cell. In this case there is more salt inside so water will move inside. The cell can break with too much water.

Enzyme function is critically important for the proper replication of DNA. Predict the consequence of a loss of function for:


The consequence of a loss of enzyme function for the proper replication of DNA is that the replication process may be disrupted or halted altogether. This can lead to errors in the DNA sequence, which can result in genetic mutations or abnormalities.

Which of the following is true about soil color? a. A dark color indicates that the soil is poor in organic matter. b. Bright yellow and red colors indicate large amounts of organic matter. c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum. d. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of calcium or magnesium.


Answer: c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum.

Soil color is a property of soil, it depends on various factors like the amount of organic matter present in the soil, type of minerals and porosity of soil (amount of pores present in the soil). Usually, dark soils have comparatively higher organic matter content than light colored soils.

Yellow or red hues in the soil indicates the presence of iron or aluminum it is the true statement about soil color. It depicts the fact that the color of soil is because of presence of particular mineral in it. Yellow or red color of the soil is an indicative of iron in the oxidized form as ferric iron oxides.

The only one correct answer would be:

c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum.