At which point should you ask an expert for help in improving reading comprehension?a. never
b. before you start reading
c. after you finish reading and you are reviewing your notes for the test
d. after you have used other repair strategies to help understand difficult parts of a selection


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is D , good luck

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b. poll taxes
c. the separate but equal doctrine
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C. the “separate but equal” doctrine
The separate but equal doctrine did not keep African Americans in the south from voting.

Meaning that their beliefs didn't stop them from moving ahead.

How do outlines help when writing an essay for an exam?


Outlines help in writing an essay for an exam by providing a guideline or short summary of the important details. It will be easier to remember the contents when presented in this manner as they are highlighted. Discussion is also well-organized and in proper order.

Which word is the preposition and which word is the object of the preposition in this sentence? The horse stamped its feet and neighed beside the hissing snake. A. preposition: its; object of the preposition: feet B. preposition: horse; object of the preposition: stamped C. preposition: beside; object of the preposition: snake D. preposition: the; object of the preposition: hissing


 C. preposition: beside; object of the preposition: snake 
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What impact did the Klondike Gold Rush have on Northern Canada?A) The Canadian government made the Yukon a territory and began to develop the region.
B) The gold rush made people see the Yukon region as a frozen wetland.
C) Northern Canada was greatly influenced by Parisian culture and laws.
D) Northern Canadians and gold seekers became known as First Nations peoples.


c is what i got in my answer

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Macbeth says he killed the guards out of rage for Duncan's murder because he loved Duncan.
he says he did it out of rage

Summary of chapter 1 from mice and men


The story opens with the description of a riverbed in rural California, a beautiful, wooded area at the base of “golden foothill slopes.” A path runs to the river, used by boys going swimming and riffraff coming down from the highway. Two men walk along the path. The first, George, is small, wiry, and sharp-featured, while his companion, Lennie, is large and awkward. They are both dressed in denim, farmhand attire.

As they reach a clearing, Lennie stops to drink from the river, and George warns him not to drink too much or he will get sick, as he did the night before. As their conversation continues, it becomes clear that the larger man has a mild mental disability, and that his companion looks out for his safety. George begins to complain about the bus driver who dropped them off a long way from their intended destination—a ranch on which they are due to begin work. Lennie interrupts him to ask where they are going. His companion impatiently reminds him of their movements over the past few days, and then notices that Lennie is holding a dead mouse. George takes it away from him. Lennie insists that he is not responsible for killing the mouse, that he just wanted to pet it, but George loses his temper and throws it across the stream. George warns Lennie that they are going to work on a ranch, and that he must behave himself when they meet the boss. George does not want any trouble of the kind they encountered in Weed, the last place they worked.

George decides that they will stay in the clearing for the night, and as they prepare their bean supper, Lennie crosses the stream and recovers the mouse, only to have George find him out immediately and take the mouse away again. Apparently, Lennie’s Aunt Clara used to give him mice to pet, but he tends to “break” small creatures unintentionally when he shows his affection for them, killing them because he doesn’t know his own strength. As the two men sit down to eat, Lennie asks for ketchup. This request launches George into a long speech about Lennie’s ungratefulness. George complains that he could get along much better if he didn’t have to care for Lennie. He uses the incident that got them chased out of Weed as a case in point. Lennie, a lover of soft things, stroked the fabric of a girl’s dress, and would not let go. The locals assumed he assaulted her, and ran them out of town.
The story opens with the description of a riverbed in rural California, a beautiful, wooded area at the base of “golden foothill slopes.” A path runs to the river, used by boys going swimming and riffraff coming down from the highway. Two men walk along the path. The first, George, is small, wiry, and sharp-featured, while his companion, Lennie, is large and awkward. They are both dressed in denim, farmhand attire.