Which word does the underlined clause modify? My grandfather wears a baseball cap whenever he leaves the house.



Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A.Wears 

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Damon and PythiasDamon and Pythias had been the best of friends since childhood. Each trusted the other like a brother, and each knew in his heart there was nothing he would not do for his friend. Eventually the time came for them to prove the depth of their devotion. It happened in this way.Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse, grew annoyed when he heard about the kind of speeches Pythias was giving. The young scholar was telling the public that no man should have unlimited power over another and that absolute tyrants were unjust kings. In a fit of rage, Dionysius summoned Pythias and his friend.“Who do you think you are, spreading unrest among the people?” he demanded.“I spread only the truth,” Pythias answered. “There can be nothing wrong with that.”“And does your truth hold that kings have too much power and that their laws are not good for their subjects?”“If a king has seized power without permission of the people, then that is what I say.”“This kind of talk is treason,” Dionysius shouted. “You are conspiring to overthrow me. Retract what you’ve said, or face the consequences.”“I will retract nothing,” Pythias answered.“Then you will die. Do you have any last requests?”“Yes. Let me go home just long enough to say goodbye to my wife and children and to put my household in order.”“I see you not only think I’m unjust, you think I’m stupid as well,” Dionysius laughed scornfully. “If I let you leave Syracuse, I have no doubt I will never see you again.”“I will give you a pledge,” Pythias said.“He will keep his word,” Damon replied. “I have no doubt of that.”“What kind of pledge could you possibly give to make me think you will ever return?” Dionysius demanded.At that instant Damon, who had stood quietly beside his friend, stepped forward.“I will be his pledge,” he said. “Keep me here in Syracuse, as your prisoner until Pythias returns. Our frienship is well known to you. You can be sure Pythias will return so long as you hold me.”Dionysius studied the two friends silently. “Very well,” he said at last. “But if you are willing to take the plce of your friend, you must be willing to accept his sentence if he breaks his promise. If Pythias does not return to Syracuse, you will die in his place.”Pythias was allowed to go free for a time, and Damon was thrown into prison. After several days, when Pythias failed to reappear, Dionysius’s curiosity got the better of him, and he went to the prison to see if Damon was yet sorry he had made such a bargain.“Your time is almost up,” the ruler of Syracuse sneered. “It will be useless to beg for mercy. You were a fool to rely on your friend’s promise. Did you really think he would sacrifice his life for you or anyone else?“He has merely been delayed,” Damon answered steadily. “The winds have kept him from sailing, or perhaps he has met with some accident on the road. But if it is humanly possible, he will be here on time. I am as confident of his virtue as I am of my own existence.”Dionysius was startled at the prisoner’s confidence. “We shall soon see,” he said and left Damon in his cell.The fatal day arrived. Damon was brought from prison and led before the executioner. Dionysius greeted him with a smug smile.“It seems your friend has not turned up,” he laughed. “What do you think of him now?”“He is my friend,” Damon answered. “I trust him.”Even as he spoke, the doors flew open, and Pythias staggered into the room. He was pale and bruised and half speechless from exhaustion. He rushed to the arms of his friend.“You are safe, praise the gods,” he gasped. “It seemed as though the fates were conspiring against us. My ship was wrecked in a storm, and then bandits attacked me on the road. But I refused to give up hope, and at last I’ve made it back in time. I am ready to receive my sentence of death.”Dionysius heard his words with astonishment. His eyes and his heart were opened. It was impossible for him to resist the power of such constancy.“The sentence is revoked,” he declared. “I never believed that such faith and loyalty could exist in friendship. You have shown me how wrong I was, and it is only right that you be rewarded with your freedom. But I ask that in return you do me one great service.”“What service do you mean?” the friends asked.“Teach me how to be part of so worthy a friendship.”The first paragraph of this story mostly provides the reader with __________. a. the crisis or turning point in the storyb. the specific obstacles the characters will facec. complications that contribute to the rising actiond. information to establish characters and background
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.” This passage from the Declaration of Independence supports the ___of the document. thesis theme purpose pathos?

In this line from Walt Whitman's poem "Song of Myself," what is the meaning of the word leavings?And as to you Life I reckon you are the leavings of many deaths
a. memories
b. rubish
c. leftovers


I would say legacy ie the lessons learned from deaths, about life. For example, someone who dies makes us think about how he or she lived their life and the good things they did and especially if they gave their life for the betterment of mankind like say Nelson Mandela or Che Guevara.




Please read this and give me your input. Its the begining part of a story im writingThe night was cold and dreary, a piercing black as pure moonlight glinted off broken glass littering the streets. Dezmond and Kendra briskly walked down the barren streets of Diverlin like shadows in the night. Old weathered shops and boarding houses lined the roads, crooked teeth protruding from the earth. The pungent stench of filth and squalor with a light touch of seawater filled the air. Turning the corner onto an adjacent street where gas lamps hung overhead casting puddles of yellow light onto the road, the duo stuck to the middle of the cracked cobblestone lane, avoiding the light and ultimately, detection from nosy onlookers. Although the infinity tower had just chimed once, signaling it to be one in the morning, you could never be too certain that you were actually alone on the streets of Diverlin. Information, especially on secret affairs being conducted at unholy hours of the night...


This is a great beginning of a story! Keep up the awesome work!
That is really good! Great sensory details that describe the scene. A great start, keep on working!

Which verb agrees with its subject? Neither my cousins nor my uncle __________ willing to eat the chili peppers. A. were B. was C. have been D. are


Neither my cousins nor my uncle were willing to eat the chili peppers.
Neither my cousins nor my uncle were willing to eat the chilli peppers.......

Which trait is prominent in Macbeth's character in acts I and II of Macbeth?


Fear and uncertainty. In Act I when he hears the prophecy from the three witches he ishesitant to go through with the deed of killing King Duncan.  Lady Macbeth upbraids him and pushes to goon.  Even when he does kill the King, he stillhas doubts and he is so shaken by the deed that Lady Macbeth has to help him.




Based on what you have read of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, what was Gregor’s biggest priority in life before he turned into an insect?a. to improve his relationship with his father
b. to work hard and pay off his family’s debt
c. to reach the office on time every day
d. to tell his boss that he was overworked


The correct answer is B. Before he turned into an insect, Gregor's biggest priority in life was to work hard and pay off his family's debt.

Gregor was the only support of the Samsa family, composed of his sister and his parents; his work as a commercial traveler allowed him to assume the household expenses and to pay a debt owed by the father to his employer.


b work to pay off his families debt


ASAP. The dogs purpose 18-23 chapters summary story



In chapter 18, Bailey wakes and realizes he's a puppy again. He remembers everything . How could he have a more important mission than loving the boy? Bailey squats and realizes all at once he is now a female! A man comes and claps and the puppies who don't cower he puts in a box. The dog who was formerly Bailey is among these puppies. The man puts her in his T-shirt and asks her if she can find her way out. When she jumps out, the man tells the woman she is very bright. His name is Jakob. She retrieves a paper ball for him , remembering how Ethan wanted her to return "the flip" Jakob takes the puppy.


Bailey is reborn again. Haily is report into a dog named Ellie. Ellie went into a canyon finding the missing young girl. A girl named Maya found Ellie and took her to her house. Maya decided to take Ellie on a road trip to visit Jakob. Ellie was splashing in some chemicals that were burning her nose and maya kept Ellie’s nose medicated with cream.