Who is the hero of the Iliad?A.Zeus





Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is D, Achilles. Zeus was the ancient Greek god of the skies and lightning, Helen was the wife of the Greek emperor who was kidnapped by Troy, starting the Trojan Wars, and Homer was the author of the Iliad.

Hope this helps!

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A man (or a human to be politically correct). In Greek mythology, a monster in the city of Thebes called the Sphinx would ask this question to any passerby and if they couldn't answer it correctly, the Sphinx would eat him/her. In the morning, the man is a baby and he crawls on fours. In the afternoon, a man is grown and walks on two feet. In the evening, the man is old and requires a cane to walk. The man who solved this riddle was Oedipus who, upon solving it, caused the Sphinx to fling herself off a cliff and commit suicide.

Which word set completes the following analogy?cotton : soft :: __________:_________

A. ice : cube
B. frost : warm
C. snow : cold
D. winter : white


Answer: C) snow : cold.

Explanation: an analogy is a comparison between one thing and another, usually with the purpose of explanation or clarification, this comparison is based on one similarity or difference between specific features of two things. The relation between the first pair of words is that the second word "soft" describes one characteristic of the first word "cotton." From the given options, the pair that has the same relation, is the corresponding to option C: "cold" is a characteristic of "snow."

C. Snow :  Cold
Because cold defines snow, just like soft defines cotton

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B. By showing off the war skills of his soldiers

C. By singing a sorrowful war hymn from his homeland

D. By saying that he will fight Grendel without armor or a shield


Beowulf boasted to Lord Hrothgar by saying that he would fight Grendel without armor or a shield.
       Hope this helps!

Write a easay that illustrates the saying a bird in hand is worth two in the bush​




Title: "The Wisdom of 'A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in the Bush'"


The saying "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush" is a timeless piece of advice that has transcended generations. It encapsulates a profound truth about the human tendency to undervalue what we already possess while pursuing uncertain gains. In this essay, we will explore the deeper meaning behind this saying and illustrate its relevance in various aspects of life.

The Literal Interpretation:

At its simplest, the saying implies that having something tangible and certain in one's possession is more valuable than pursuing something elusive or uncertain. Imagine a hunter holding a bird in hand; it represents a definite gain. The two birds in the bush, on the other hand, are potential catches but come with no guarantees.

Financial Prudence:

This saying finds resonance in the world of finance and investments. People often chase high-risk opportunities in pursuit of larger profits, ignoring the security of their current assets. In investment terms, it is safer to have a stable portfolio with steady returns (the "bird in hand") rather than putting everything at risk for speculative investments that may or may not yield greater returns (the "two in the bush").

Career and Ambition:

In the realm of careers and ambition, individuals are often enticed by the allure of new opportunities. They may leave stable jobs to chase what appears to be a more promising prospect. However, they may overlook the security, experience, and opportunities for growth that they currently possess. The decision to leave the "bird in hand" should be made with caution, weighing the risks and rewards carefully.

Personal Relationships:

The saying is also applicable to personal relationships. People sometimes disregard the value of a loving and stable relationship (the "bird in hand") while seeking the allure of something new or seemingly more exciting (the "two in the bush"). In doing so, they risk losing the deep connection and trust they have already built.

Contentment and Satisfaction:

The essence of this saying extends to the broader concept of contentment and satisfaction in life. It reminds us to appreciate and cherish what we have rather than constantly chasing after more. True happiness often lies in gratitude for the present rather than an obsession with future gains.


In conclusion, "A bird in hand is worth two in the bush" serves as a timeless reminder of the value of prudence, appreciation, and contentment. While it is essential to be open to new opportunities and possibilities, it is equally important to recognize the worth of what we already possess. Whether in finances, careers, relationships, or personal fulfillment, this saying encourages us to strike a balance between ambition and contentment, ensuring that we do not overlook the treasures we already hold in our hands.


ANSWER FAST solve 2 * x + 1 + 4 equals 8​



if you're solving for x, x=3/2 or 1.5






x=3/2 or in decimal form x=1.5


the answer is 3/2 or 1.5

Revise the following sentence so that it includes vivid adjectives. For generations, they had tried to make a living planting in bad soil.​



For generations, they had tried to make a living planting in unfavorable and spoiled soil.


Vivid adjectives are those adjectives that projects or describes a clear and definite image of a thing/ the thing described. And to give a vivid description of the given sentence, it is important to identify the adjective.

The adjective in the sentence is "bad" that described/ modifies the noun "soil". Adding a vivid adjective to the sentence, the new sentence will be-

"For generations, they had tried to make a living planting in unfavorable and spoiled soil."

The vivid adjectives are "unfavorable" and "spoiled".