Which cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles?


Answer 1
Answer: Eukaryotic cells

What Is a Cell with a Nucleus?
When you think of your body, consider the ultimate boss of everything. What organ tells your entire body what to do? The answer is, your brain! Your brain tells your lungs to breathe, your heart to speed up or slow down, and your digestive system to break down food.

All these organs are made of cells. Cells are the basic units of life, and even though they are microscopic they each have a brain of their own. This brain is called the nucleus. The nucleus holds the cell's DNA and controls all cell function. Cells with a nucleus are eukaryotic, and are also known as eukaryotes.

However, not all cells have a nucleus. Some cells have their DNA just floating around the cell. This would be analogous to lower organisms, like worms, that don't have a nice thick skull around their brains. These cells are called prokaryotic. The nuclear envelope in eukaryotes is like our skull, covering the nucleus and keeping the DNA safe.

Structure of a nucleus
nucleus structure
Eukaryotic cells also have tiny parts called membrane bound organelles. Organelles, like the name sounds, are tiny organs of the cell.

Eukaryotic cells compared to prokaryotic cells
eukaryote versus prokaryote
Like our body has a stomach to digest food, cells have an organelle that serves a similar purpose. These organelles are all contained in a membrane, keeping them separate from the rest of the cell so they can be the most efficient. Let's take a look at some of the common membrane bound organelles and their jobs inside the cell.

Examples of Membrane Bound Organelles
We now know that the nucleus is the brain of the cell, holding the DNA. But other organelles inside the nucleus are also important, just like the other organs in our body are.

A city is another analogy that works for the cell. The city is the cell itself and each organelle is like a building, or part of the city. There is the endoplasmic reticulum, which surrounds the nucleus. This organelle is involved in protein and lipid synthesis, and it's kind of like a factory making the basic parts for the cell.

Those parts are shipped to the golgi to be distributed to the rest of the cell. The golgi is like the post office of the cell. From the golgi, proteins are shipped through vesicles like trucks on a highway, going where they need to be. The plasma membrane might be one destination for those proteins, since it is the outer covering of the cell. The plasma membrane is like the walls of a city, only letting certain things in and out.

The power plant of the cell, supplying energy for the entire city, is the mitochondria. And our cities also need to get rid of waste, right? An organelle called the lysosome breaks down unwanted or old materials in the cell, recycling them for later use. Finally, peroxisomes are important organelles that also do reactions using oxygen and protect the cell from free radicals, or dangerously reactive compounds.

Organelles in an animal cell
animal cell
Plant cells are a little bit different and have some additional organelles. In plant cells, there is an organelle called a vacuole, which is like a water storage tower in a city. Some animal cells have small vacuoles, but they are not as prominent as they are in plants. This organelle stores water and helps the plant cell hold its shape. Plant cells also have an even more rigid boundary outside the plasma membrane called the cell wall. This thick structure is like reinforcements on our cell wall. They also have chloroplasts, which are used to turn sunlight and carbon dioxide into food.

Organelles inside a plant cell
plant cell
Other organelles don't have a membrane but are still important. Ribosomes are a type of organelle that makes protein and can work with the endoplasmic reticulum. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have this organelle.

Answer 2

Eukaryotic cells are cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.

Who owns eukaryotic cells?

  • The humans.
  • The animals.
  • The plants.

Eukaryotic cells have a membrane around the nucleus that separates them from the cytoplasm. Inside the nucleus are the nucleic acids and inside the cytoplasm are all the organelles necessary for the functioning of the cells.

Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells because of their configuration.

Prokaryotic cells, on the other hand, do not have a nucleus, so the nucleic acids are loose in the cytoplasm and are not separated from the other organelles, which in this type of cell are few and less complex than those of eukaryotic cells.

Learn more about prokaryotic cells:



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The answer is B. contains enzymes that begin the breakdown of proteins.

Saliva is watery substance secreted by salivatory glands. It cleanses the mouth and maintenance oral hygiene. It moistens the food, so the created food bolus could easier pass into the esophagus. It also carries food chemicals to taste receptors so they can be tested. It contains enzymes involved in the food digestions. Some of them are amylase, which begins the breakdown of the starch, and lipase, which begins the breakdown of triglycerides. There are no enzymes in the saliva that break down proteins.

Final answer:

Saliva cleanses the mouth, moistens and compacts food, and dissolves food chemicals for taste.


Saliva is a clear liquid that is produced by the salivary glands in the mouth. It serves several important functions in the digestive process. It keeps the mouth clean by cleansing it and helps to remove food particles. Saliva moistens food and aids in the compacting of the food into a bolus, which can be easily swallowed. Additionally, saliva contains enzymes such as amylase that begin the breakdown of carbohydrates, not proteins. Lastly, saliva dissolves food chemicals so they can be tasted.

Learn more about Saliva here:



TRUTH OR FALSE10. nucleotides made of nucleic acids
4. Proteins are quick source of energy
1. All biochemical compounds contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen


Final answer:

Nucleotides are made of nucleic acids, proteins are not a quick source of energy, and not all biochemical compounds contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.


True or False:

  1. Nucleotides are made of nucleic acids. True. Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids, which include DNA and RNA. They consist of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
  2. Proteins are a quick source of energy. False. While proteins are an important component of a balanced diet, they are not the preferred source of energy. Carbohydrates and fats are the primary sources of energy in the body.
  3. All biochemical compounds contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. False. While many biochemical compounds contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, there are exceptions. For example, nucleic acids, which include DNA and RNA, also contain nitrogen and phosphorus.

Learn more about Biochemical Compounds here:



Does the nucleus make the cell DNA


The nucleus is known as the “brain of the cell”. It controls all of the cells activities and stores the DNA “genetic material”. :) hope this helped

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The 3rd one buddy.....................,,

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