Select five unfavorable personality characteristics.consideration


Answer 1
Answer: Laziness, Dishonesty, Unkindness, Grouchiness, Unselfishness.
Answer 2


laziness, selfishness, unkindness, and grouchiness


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How does lady macbeth signal when macbeth is to murder duncan?


As Macbeth shrives to success guilt overcome’s Macbeth where he can no longer think straight. Initially Macbeth planned was to kill Duncan but it wasn’t enough he also had to kill Banquo and Macduff’s family. Lady Macbeth realizes that nothing could ever get rid of the smell of the blood and the guilt caused by all the murders committed by Macbeth. “Here’s is the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.

During her time in the Secret Annex, Anne demonstrates that she is a unique and remarkable young person with many dimensions to her character. In an essay, explain what makes Anne a complex character. Include details from The Diary of Anne Frank, Act 1 and Act 2 in your essay


Annelis Marie Fran was a lonely teenager with a sharp personality, brave, strong character, patient and decided to express herself through writing, when she was 13 year old, she takes the diary that his father gave her as a gift to tell her experience.
In her imagination she saw the diary as a friend and personalized it with the name Kitty Dear Kitty always using that expression as an introduction for his letters.

Before the Nazi occupation, Anne wrote about the life of a teenager and her family, she desired to be a novel writer, but she also wanted to write about the oppression that the Jewish people suffered in the beginning.

Anna describes the war and oppression of humans. She also describes her relationship with her family and dreamed of a free world away from the Secret Annex where she lived from 1942 to 1944 during the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in World War II.
The nazis discovered that they were Jewish and were taken to a concentration camp. Ana had a better relationship with his father but not with her mother and sister since she didn't feel loved or valued for her opinions for being considered such a young girl. 

In which story does the main character die in part due to an internal, versus an external, conflict?“To Build a Fire”
“The Minister’s Black Veil”
“The Masque of the Red Death”


Tho correct answer is To Build a Fire

It's about a man who dies from hypothermia since he tried to battle the extreme cold and failed. It was written by Jack London.

"To Build a Fire”  is the answer.

What type is a biography


It a writing about somebody
A biography is a nonfiction book about someone's life. Was that your question ?

Which of the following are steps in preparing to write a research paper? Select all that apply.-pick a limited topic
-prepare a working outline
-obtain potential sources
-make source cards


-prepare a working outline
-obtain potential sources
-make source cards

Writing a research paper is not just writing a simple descriptive report in a plain manner. But it involves, straightforward and comprehensible writing skill which elucidates the needed literatures, sources and key variables for the readers to understand. 


Pick a limited topic


Prepare a working outline

Obtain potential sources

Make source cards


After you have decided upon a limited topic, suitable perhaps for an 8- to 12-page paper, begin brainstorming. You may need additional information in order to gain a general overview of the topic. An encyclopedia, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica or the Encyclopedia Americana; textbooks; or references, such as histories, biographical references, and specific dictionaries, will serve this purpose. While you are doing this early reading, you may also begin a "working" outline, or first version, of your proposed outline.

The next step is to begin accumulating potential sources of information, called a "working bibliography." One place to check for sources is the subject section of the computerized catalog (formerly card catalog). You may also look in the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, an index to hundreds of popular magazines. Textbooks, the vertical file (pamphlets), specialized indexes (such as New York Times Index and the Book Review Index ), and bibliographies also provide sources. Many researchers find 3 x 5 index cards useful for maintaining the "working bibliography."

Categorize the following analogy: Hump is to camel as shell is to snail.a. object and location
b. part to whole
c. performer and action
d. object and function I could ready use a answer for this one


B. Part to whole

A snail's shell provides protection, where a Camel's hump provides nourishment, so D is incorrect. Snails and Camels are neither locations nor actions, so both A and C are incorrect. B is correct because shells and humps are parts of the animals, where the snail and the camel are the whole animal.
The answer is 'd'
The hump is part of the camel that has the function of providing it with food and water while travelling in the desert.
The shell is part of the snail that has the function of protecting its soft gelatinous body