What is the magnitude of the largest positive value you can place in a bool? a char? an int? a float?


Answer 1


A bool can hold only true or false values.

A char can hold maximum 65535 characters.

An int can hold maximum positive value of 2,147,483,647.

A float can hold maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.


Primitive data types in Java language can be categorized into boolean and numeric data types.

Numeric can be divided further into floating point and integral type. Floating data type includes float and double values while and integral data type which consists of char, int, short, long and byte data types.

Every data type has a range of values it can hold, i.e., every data type has a minimum and maximum predefined value which it is allowed to hold. The intermediate values fall in the range of that particular data type.

Any value outside the range of that particular data type will not compile and an error message will be displayed.

The data types commonly used in programming are boolean, char, int and float.

A boolean variable can have only two values, true or false.

A char variable can hold from 0 to 65535 characters. Maximum, 65535 characters are allowed in a character variable. At the minimum, a char variable will have no characters or it will be a null char variable, having no value.

An int variable has the range from minimum -2^{31} to maximum 2^{31} – 1. Hence, the maximum positive value an int variable can hold is (2^{31}) – 1.

A float variable can hold minimum value of 1.4 x 10^{-45} and maximum positive value of 3.4 x 10^{38}.

The above description relates to the data types and their respective range of values in Java language.

The values for boolean variable remain the same across all programming languages.

The range of values for char, int and float data types are different in other languages.

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Write a program that prompts the user to enter a Social Security number in the format ddd-dd-dddd, where d is a digit. The program displays Valid SSN for a correct Social Security number or Invalid SSN otherwise.


The program that prompts the user to enter a Social Security number in the format ddd-dd-dddd, where d is a digit can be implemented in Python using regular expressions. The regular expression pattern for the SSN format can be used to validate the input.

Pythons code:


import re

ssn_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$')

ssn = input("Enter your Social Security Number (format: ddd-dd-dddd): ")

if ssn_pattern.match(ssn):

print("Valid SSN")


print("Invalid SSN")


In the above code, we first import the `re` module to work with regular expressions.

We then define the regular expression pattern for the SSN format as `^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$`. This pattern matches any string that starts with three digits, followed by a hyphen, then two digits, another hyphen, and finally, four digits.

We then prompt the user to enter their SSN using the `input()` function. We then check if the entered SSN matches the pattern using the `match()` function of the regular expression object `ssn_pattern`.

If the SSN matches the pattern, we print "Valid SSN". Otherwise, we print "Invalid SSN".

Know more about SSN,



ssn = input("Enter a valid Social Security number: ")

dashes = 0

nums = 0

message = "Invalid SSN"

if len(ssn) == 11:

   for x in ssn:

       if x.isdigit():

           nums += 1

       elif x == "-":

           dashes += 1

if nums == 9 and dashes == 2:

   message = "Valid SSN"


I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps!

Write a program that meets the following requirements.Create two stages in a program
Create a pane using FlowPane in each stage
Add three buttons to each pane
Create a class named FlowPaneDemo extends Application
Create user interface using FlowPane
Add the instances of 3 Buttons to pane1 created by FlowPane and other 3 instances of Buttons using FlowPane to pane2
Create scene1 for pane1 with a specific size and scene2 for pane2 with a different size
Set different titles to two stages and display two stages
The output should look like the screen below
Provide appropriate Java comments



import javafx.application.Application;

import javafx.scene.Scene;

import javafx.scene.layout.FlowPane;

import javafx.stage.Stage;

import javafx.scene.control.Button;

public class FlowPaneDemo extends Application {

  public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

      // TODO Auto-generated method stub

      //Creates a FlowPane for each stage.

      FlowPane paneOne = new FlowPane();

      FlowPane paneTwo = new FlowPane();


      //Creates six Buttons, three for each Flow Pane.

      Button buttonOne = new Button("Button One");

      Button buttonTwo = new Button("Button Two");

      Button buttonThree = new Button("Button Three");

      Button buttonFour = new Button("Button Four");

      Button buttonFive = new Button("Button Five");

      Button buttonSix = new Button("Button Six");


      //Adds the Buttons to the two FlowPanes.









      //Creates two Scenes, using each of the FlowPanes.

      Scene sceneOne = new Scene(paneOne, 250, 600);

      Scene sceneTwo = new Scene(paneTwo, 320, 400);


      //Makes a second Stage.

      Stage secondaryStage = new Stage();


      //Set the title and Scenes for the two Stages.

      primaryStage.setTitle("First Stage");



      secondaryStage.setTitle("Second Stage");



      //Runs the show methods for the two Stages.




  public static void main(String[] args){

      //Runs the launch method to start a stand-alone JavaFX application; only needed

      //as I am running this in Eclipse.




Write a statement that assigns total_coins with the sum of nickel_count and dime_count. Sample output for 100 nickels and 200 dimes is: 300


The statement which gives the sum of nickel and dime is written below :

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

The statement required is written using Python 3 :

  • We could write these as a function :

deftotal(nickel_count, dime_count) :

total_coins =dime_count+nickel_count


total(100, 200)

#the function total takes in two arguments(number of nickels and number of dimes)

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count

  • We could also write this in the form of a program which prompts users to enter values :

nickel_count = int(input('Enter count of nickel : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of nickels

dime_count = int(input('Enter count of dime : '))

# User is prompted to enter number of dimes

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

#assigns the varibale total_coins to the sum of nickel_count and dime_count


#outputs the value of total_coins

Learn more : brainly.com/question/17615351


total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count


The statement that performs the operation in the question is total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

Full Program (Written in Python)

nickel_count = int(input("Nickel Count: "))

dime_count = int(input("Dime Count: "))

total_coins = nickel_count + dime_count

print("Total coins: ",total_coins)

The first two lines prompt user for nickel and dime count respectively

The third line adds the two coins categories together

The last line prints the total count of coins

Write a pseudocode thats accept and then find out whether the number is divisible by 5 ​



input number

calculate modulus of the number and 5

compare outcome to 0

if 0 then output "divisible by 5"

else output "not divisible by 5"


The modulo operator is key here. It returns the remainder after integer division. So 8 mod 5 for example is 3, since 5x1+3 = 8. Only if the outcome is 0, you know the number you divided is a multiple of 5.

Change the screen resolution so you can view more information on your screen. Use the resolution that enables you to fit the most information on the screen while still being able to read the display.Use the space below to indicate your screen resolution and to describe the steps you used to do this.



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


My laptop's current screen resolution is (1366 by 768 recommended). When you change your screen resolution, your pc automatically suggests the recommended screen resolution that helps you to view more information on your screen and enable you to fit the most information on the screen while still being able to read the display.

To change the screen resolution, you need to go through from the following steps:

  1. Right-click on empty space of desktop.
  2. As you right-click, a list of options will open, select "display setting" among them
  3. A new setting window will get open, at the left of the window, among given option, click on the first option i.e "display"
  4. The content of the display setting gets open in the right area of the window. scroll down and find the "Scale and Layout"
  5. under scale and layout, you can change your screen resolution while selecting the different screen resolution. However, it is good to select the recommended screen resolution based on your screen size.

Jill needs to create a chart for technology club that shows what percentage of total students in the school play video games. Which chart or graph should she use? Bar graph Column chart Line graph Pie chart



It's pie chart because it shows the percentage of multiple things.


And I did an exam aced it and got this question right.