Which toplogy is common in these days? and justify atleast fivereason


Answer 1

Answer: Star topology is commonly used these days.


  • As, start topology is the reliable network topology because the failure of a central node or a node cable does not affect the remaining other nodes.
  • In star topology, if the computer fails you can still access your data by using backup folder in your private file or folder.  
  • In this network topology it is easy to find faults and correct it timely.
  • The start topology is cost effective and easy to maintain.  
  • We can also connect multiple communication channels.

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the answer would be a "web crawler"

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var playerTurn;




var tiles = [];

var checkWin = function()

{    };

var Tile = function(x, y)


 this.x = x;

 this.y = y;

 this.size = width/NUM_COLS;

 this.label = "";


Tile.prototype.draw = function()


   fill(214, 247, 202);


   rect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size, 10);


   textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);

   fill(0, 0, 0);

   text(this.label, this.x+this.size/2, this.y+this.size/2);


Tile.prototype.empty = function()


   return this.label === "";


Tile.prototype.onClick = function()


   // If the tile is not empty, exit the function

   // Put the player's symbol on the tile

   // Change the turn


Tile.prototype.handleMouseClick = function(x, y)


   // Check for mouse clicks inside the tile


for (var i = 0; i < NUM_COLS; i++)


   for (var j = 0; j < NUM_ROWS; j++)


       tiles.push(new Tile(i * (width/NUM_COLS-1), j * (height/NUM_ROWS-1)));



var drawTiles = function()


   for (var i in tiles)





mouseReleased = function()


   for (var i in tiles)


       tiles[i].handleMouseClick(mouseX, mouseY);



draw = function()


   background(143, 143, 143);




Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System. a. True
b. False


The answer to the question which asks if the Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System is:

  • True

What is Shortest Remaining Time First?

This refers to the type of scheduling algorithm which is used to schedule tasks that would be executed in the processing unit in an Operating System based on the shortest time taken to execute the task.

With this in mind, we can see that this is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System because it makes task execution faster.

Read more about scheduling algorithm here:




Yes, true.

Shortest Remaining Time First, also popularly referred to by the acronym SRTF, is a type of scheduling algorithm, used in operating systems. Other times it's not called by its name nor its acronym, it is called the preemptive version of SJF scheduling algorithm. The SJF scheduling algorithm is another type of scheduling algorithm.

The Shortest Remaining Time First has been touted by many to be faster than the SJF

1. Write an expression whose value is the result of converting the str value associated with s to an int value. So if s were associated with "41" then the resulting int would be 41.2. Write an expression whose value is the last character in the str associated with s.3. Given variables first and last, each of which is associated with a str, representing a first and a last name, respectively. Write an expression whose value is a str that is a full name of the form "Last, First". So, if first were associated with "alan" and last with "turing", then your expression would be "Turing,Alan". (Note the capitalization! Note: no spaces!) And if first and last were "Florean" and "fortescue" respectively, then your expression’s value would be "Fortescue,Florean".

4. Write an expression whose value is the result of converting the int value associated with x to a str. So if 582 was the int associated with x you would be converting it to the str "582".

5. Write an expression whose value is the str consisting of all the characters (starting with the sixth) of the str associated with s.



The solution or expression for each part is given below:

  1. int(s)
  2. s[len(s)-1]
  3. last.capitalize()+','+first.capitalize()
  4. str(x)
  5. s[5:]


Following are attached the images that show how these expressions will be used. I hope they will make the concept clear.

All the images below are respective to the questions given.

Effective display designs must provide all the necessary data in the proper sequence to carry out the task. Identify a recent personal user experience where it either was very clear or very unclear about what the sequence of steps was necessary to complete a task. What made that experience memorable?


Answer and Explanation::

Effective display designs must provide all the necessary data in the proper sequence to carry out the task

Elegance and Simplicity

Scale, Contrast, and Proportion

Organization and Visual Structure

Module and Program

Image and Representation


identify a recent personal user experience where it either was very clear or very unclear about what the sequence of steps was necessary to complete a task:-

designer will consider the Why, What and How of product use. The Why involves the users’ motivations for adopting a product, whether they relate to a task they wish to perform with it, or to values and views associated with the ownership and use of the product. The What addresses the things people can do with a product—its functionality. Finally, the How relates to the design of functionality in an accessible and aesthetically pleasant way. UX designers start with the Why before determining the What and then, finally, the How in order to create products that users can form meaningful experiences with. In software designs, designers must ensure the product’s “substance” comes through an existing device and offers a seamless, fluid experience.

Design goals help us stay focused on what we've determined to be most important in a project. They can serve as a quality check by making sure the designs meet the intended goals. These are typically at a high level and can be thought of as driving principles for a particular project. These can be thought of as related to if not the same as the benefits described in the problem statement. The design goals are likely fuzzy at the beginning of the project. The goals should be revisited and iterated on early and often.

this things user should be clear about:-

Don't change the display of information between editing and displaying edited information (i.e. wysiwyg).

Don't require user to leave or change their context to edit information.

Make it clear that changes can be made and to what.

Give users edit tools that make sense for their specific context. Don't clutter with every possible edit tool.

Smooth & easy keyboard interaction.

Allow users to easily see and use the edit tools they need (as opposed to giving them many tools that aren't relevant or useful most of the time).

Give users feedback and confidence about what is saved.

Give users an easy way to back out (i.e. undo change & error recovery).

Instant editing

Allow user to complete their task without being distracted by software or losing train of thought (i.e. while they are reading text they can easily make a quick edit).

Give users access to information they need to complete their task (i.e. information on other pages, etc.).

Assist users in not making mistakes with their edits. If mistakes are made, we need to give them an easy way to identify and correct.

What made that experience memorable:-

this things makes experience memorable

1. Make an Impression

2. Tell a Story

3. Use Color Effectively

4. Do Something Fun

5. Engage the Senses

6. Mix It Up

7. Remember the Finish

How many times will the following loop display "Looping again!"? for(int i=0; i<=20; i++) cout << "Looping again!" << endl;



21 times


Following are the description of output:

  • As it is for loop and The loop is started from the i=0 , after that check the condition 0<=20 condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • Now i=1  1<=20  condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • i=2 2<=20 condition is true .The control moves to the body of loop and it print Looping again! on the console window .After that it increment the value of i=i+1 .
  • ............soon
  • This process is executed again and again but when the value i=21 the loop condition is false .The loop is terminated .
  • As the loop is starts from the i=0 and executed less then equal to 20 therefore 21 times the loop is executed .