Match each satirical quote to its real meaning. criticizes the subject for having abundant knowledge of the world but low self-awareness criticizes the subject for confusing his audience criticizes the subject for his half baked knowledge


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "criticizes the subject for having abundant knowledge of the world but low self-awareness." The satirical quote to its real meaning is criticizes the subject for having abundant knowledge of the world but low self-awareness
Answer 2


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In my opinion, the correct answer is B. calm. It is not light or uncaring - it is obvious that the narrator understands and sympathises with the pilot. But it is not hysterical either. Here is an excerpt that illustrates the calmness, but also the sympathy and understanding. It describes the pilot's emotional state when he realizes that there is a stowaway. "He let his eyes rest on the narrow white door of the closet. There, just inside, another man lived and breathed and was beginning to feel assured that discovery of his presence would now be too late for the pilot to alter the situation. It was too late; for the man behind the door it was far later than he thought and in a way he would find it terrible to believe."

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When you read actively, you A. RELATE TO TEXT

Active reading means that you are reading something for the purpose of understanding its content and evaluating whether said content can help you satisfy your needs.

Reading for Comprehension has 5 steps.
1) Skim - quickly read through text to get the overall impression.
2) Question - ask yourself if the reading the text will help you. Check the text whether it provides answers for your questions: Who? What? Where? When? How
3) Read - read the text in a focused, and fairly speedy way
4) Remember - test your member. check whether you understand and remember salient points in the text.
5) Review - read the text in more detail, make your own notes for easy comprehension and remembrance.
When you read actively, you relate to the text

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prepositional phrase modifying an adverb 

Can someone please write a concluding paragraph for this essay based on what I already have?Negative Effects of Reality TV on Teenagers
By Angel Maroone

Reality television can have a negative impact upon teenagers and their ways of thinking. Regular reality TV viewers differ dramatically from their non-viewing peers in several aspects. These shows set a new, nearly impossible standard for what the “average” person should look like. Not to mention, reality TV presents and largely promotes negative behavior, giving viewers a misconception of acceptable behavior. Some of these shows may not be negative influences, but the majority of them are.
Regular reality TV viewers differ dramatically from their non-viewing peers in their expectations of peer relationships, their overall self-image, and their understanding of how the world works. These regular viewers expect and accept a higher level of aggression, drama, and bullying. Studies show that 73% of regular female viewers think these shows “make people think that fighting is a normal part of a romantic relationship,” and 70% think they “make people think its okay to treat others badly.” Regarding boys, regular reality TV viewers are more likely than non-viewers to say “girls often have to compete for a guy’s attention” (74% vs. 63%). They also admit they are happier when they are dating someone (49% vs. 28%).
Teenagers have a pliable mind and self esteem. Shows such as Extreme Makeover and America’s Next Top Model depict and encourage a perfect body image. They place value on unrealistic beauty standards. The Girl Scouts Research Institute’s studies found that girls who view reality TV regularly are more focused on the value of physical appearance. More than a third (38%) thinks that a girl’s value is based on how she looks. They would rather be recognized for their outer beauty than their inner beauty. These conceptions were surely impacted by the bad morals that reality TV presents and upholds. Everyone, especially impressionable teenagers, should be taught to embrace individuality and their own unique qualities.
With reality TV being so popular, teens are getting exposed to things like sex, drugs, violence, and vulgar language at younger and younger ages. Shows such as Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, and the Real Housewives series expose young viewers to drinking, drugs, sex, fighting, etc. They make these behaviors seem fun and acceptable. In all actuality, these actions usually lead to turmoil. Producers can’t expect teens not to follow these examples.


Producers, directors, and everybody working on the set should take a moment to think about what they are really putting on TV. Thanks to reality TV elementary school kids are now learning about sex, violence and vulgar language, is this really what we want for this world? A world where all of this is "normal"? No! We can not blame our kids and teenagers for watching this type of show, it's impossible not to! There is a 50/50 chance that when a child turns on the TV they will watch a reality TV show, is this really what we want?

Hope this helps! If not, Sorry! I'm only in 8th grade sooo.... yeah

A , static character stays the same even though there is conflict in the story.


A FLAT, static character stays the same even though there is conflict in the story.

A static character is a character that stays the same through the story. 
A flat static character reveals only one or two personality traits that do not change. Unlike the Round characters who have a complex personality; and are often potrayed as conflicted and contradictory characters.

A flat static character stays the same even though there is conflict in the story.

What is static character?

A static character is a character that stays the same through the story. A flat static character reveals only one or two personality traits that do not change. Unlike the Round characters who have a complex personality; and are often potrayed as conflicted and contradictory characters.

A flat static character stays the same even though there is conflict in the story. This means that the character does not develop or change or is effected by events that take place in the story, they remain the same. Their personality does not change throughout the story. They are relatively uncomplicated characters.

Therefore, A flat static character stays the same even though there is conflict in the story.

Learn more about flat on:


An adjective can describe both aA. verb and an adjective.
B. noun and a pronoun.
C. pronoun and an adjective.
D. noun and a verb


Adjectives are word used to define ormodify a noun or pronoun. So the answer is B. noun and a pronoun.For example, She is exquisitelypretty. The pronoun used is ‘she’ and the adjective is ‘exquisitely’.