Public opinions can never be any sounder than the on which they are based.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question above is facts. Public opinions can never be any shoulder the facts which they are based. Public opinion must be measured by the experts and must have the voice to hold.
Answer 2

The options of the question are, A) ideas. B) facts. C) proposals. D) hypothesis. E) estimates.

The correct answer is B) facts.

Public opinion can never be any sounder that the facts on which they are based.

When we refer to public opinion, it is the collective opinion on any subject of social interest. It could be true or not. It could be believed to some, not to others. The important consideration is to check the facts of that opinion. That is the key. If we want to know how true o real public opinion is, it has to have the facts that support the opinion. So it is true that Public opinion can never be any sounder that the facts on which they are based.


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It would be the Egyptians who were not known for hiring biographers, mostly because the system of writing back then wasn't conducive to long works of writing. 

Which of the following statements about the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, is correct?


can you give me the options

Final answer:

Tenochtitlán was a well-planned and luxurious capital city of the Aztec empire, known for its large population, impressive structures, and innovative agricultural practices.


At its height in the early 1500s, Tenochtitlán had a population of at least 200,000 people. It was a massive island city with large causeways that connected it to the shores of the lake. The city had a well-planned layout and included various structures such as temples, pyramids, palaces, and even a ruler's palace with 100 rooms. Tenochtitlán was also known for its artificial agricultural islands called chinampas, which provided food for the city's occupants. The city was beautifully maintained and offered a congenial and luxurious environment for its nobles.

Learn more about Tenochtitlán here:


Step 1: Write a one paragraph editorial that supports imperialism in China. Remember, you are writing from the perspective of citizen of a European imperialist nation. Use the information you learned in the lesson on how
colonization benefited imperialist nations to support your claims with evidence.

Step 2: Write a one paragraph editorial that rejects imperialism in China.
Consider the claims made in your first editorial supporting imperialism and use evidence from the lesson to counter them.

Both editorials must:

be at least one paragraph with at least six sentences, including introduction and conclusion sentences
express one side of the issue (support or against)
use specific examples from the lesson for support


On the other hand, I reject imperialism in China. European nations are competing against each other to colonize and control less developed parts of the world, therefore I disagree of the idea of China colonizing. This a race to control more land than another country so why support another country entering this “race” making it more difficult  to get ahead. If China was to colonize, their status and pride would boost, increasing their power as a nation altogether. This would not be good for other European nations and no good can come out of this. China mustn’t colonize or adapt to imperialism. 

In an increasingly interconnected world, the adoption of imperialistic policies could bolster China's economy, enhance its global influence, and promote stability within its borders.

What is imperialism about?

By expanding its sphere of influence and engaging in strategic alliances, China can tap into new markets, secure vital resources, and drive economic growth, all while projecting its values and safeguarding its national interests.

A well-managed imperialistic approach can serve as a catalyst for progress, promoting cultural exchange, technological advancements, and social development. Though the concept is not without its challenges, a pragmatic analysis reveals that embracing imperialism may offer China an avenue to secure its future prosperity and secure its place on the global stage.

Learn more about imperialism


Chief Joseph was the leader of which Native American tribe? a. Crow
b. Nez Perce
c. Cheyenne
d. Sioux


♥ B)Nez Perce.
( Chief Joseph was Leader of the Wal-lam-wat-kain)
(That is the tribe of Nez Perce)


B. Nez Perce


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The most important role of election officials is to make sure that an election


The most important role of election officials is to make sure that an election?


an election is administered fairly


Election officials are the officials who are responsible for the proper and orderly voting at [polling stations. This depends on the country.They include election officer, election judge, election clerk or poll workers etc.They should be non-partisan.

They are officials associated with election authority and they play roles in educating the voters. They manage complains from voters and also multivate them in-order to have a free and fair election.

The most important role of election officials is to make sure that an election is conducted on time and fairly.

Further Explanation-

Elections are the tools of a democratic institution, and it is through them that the people of a nation choose their representatives in the government. The Election Commission is responsible for announcing, and organizing the elections and in declaring the results of the elections. The provision for constituting the Election Commission was laid down in the Indian Constitution in 1950 and is headed by the Chief Election Commissioner, who is appointed by the President under the opinion of the Prime Minister

The election commission is one of the most important government organizations in India as it is entrusted with the opportunity of conducting elections and declaring results. Apart from this, the Election Commission also ensures that the elections are held in a fair manner. The Chief Election Commission is also responsible for bringing out fresh electoral rolls containing updated lists of eligible voters and fresh voters who enroll every year on becoming of age. The EC Officials decide the dates for announcing the nomination of candidature, submitting applications and withdrawal of candidature, polling dates, campaigning period, polling centers, counting dates and the dates for announcing results. Also, any disputes regarding the transparency of election procedures or announcing of disputes are taken up by the Election commission. All elections such as State and Central elections, Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections are organised over by the Election Commission.

Learn more:

  1. Which seismic waves travel most rapidly?
  2. In the 1700s, the concept of individualism was so important for americans that?
  3. According to anti-federalists, the constitution?

Answer Details-

Grade- Secondary School.

Chapter- The Political institutions of India

Subject- Political Science.

Additional Remarks- This chapter mentions the composition, role, and functions of the Election Commission.


Elections, the conduct of free and fair elections, electoral rolls, democratic institution, candidature, election disputes.

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